Summer Pool Parties: Cleaning Up and Preparing Your Pool

Get ready to make a splash with a pool party that no guest will soon forget. Just imagine splashing around in the water with your closest friends and family members as the sun beats down on you. No matter how much time you spend deciding what to serve and decorating, you can use our tips to save time prepping your pool for the party.

Scoop the water

Whether this is your first time using the pool all year or your family uses it daily, skimming the floating material from the top is a must before any party. Grab your skimmer and remove as much debris as you can see. Keep in mind that your filter only works on smaller things like old leaves or bugs and may not collect bigger leaves, tree branches, sticks, and other items.

Test and balance the pool

Any pool supply website or shop will have water testing kits in stock. Make sure you test several days before the party. Give yourself time to ensure the pool is in balance before the last minute. Testing your water may reveal that your pool needs more chlorine, a higher or lower pH or more buffer against hard water.

Look for damage

The month before people come over to hang out in your dream pool, look for any signs of damage. Start with the filter and other parts of the pool. Give yourself enough time to either replace the parts or hire someone who can replace them for you. You may want to run the vacuum to clean the bottom and sides of the pool the morning of the party and then put it away until your guests leave. Check for damaged tiles or ladder steps, too.

Add some pool toys and games

Don't assume your guests will have fun just swimming and hanging out. Invest in some fun games and tools designed just for the water. Guests might get a kick out of volleyball played in the pool or a game where they need to dive to the bottom to find “treasures.” Pool noodles, floaties, and other toys will keep the party going for hours. There are also fun light-up toys and floating decorations for evening parties.

Prepare your home for wet guests

Pool parties come with special preparatory steps that others may not have. If your pool party includes kids who may not be able to swim, consider having float supports or life jackets. Keep an extra stack of beach towels by the door. Consider the path from the pool to the closest bathroom and how to ensure that you don't get drips on the floor or end up with a wet, slippery hallway.

Discover more tips for taking care of your swimming pool or planning the perfect party when you check out TheHomeMag on Instagram and Facebook.


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