Mosquito Management: Pro Tips For Keeping Your Yard Bite-Free This Summer

Mosquitoes are annoying and can keep you and your family from enjoying the backyard spaces you’ve created. If they’re not biting, they’re whining in your ears. While you can’t totally eliminate these tiny pests, there are a few things you can do to discourage them from invading your outdoor areas.

Remove standing water

Mosquitoes look for standing water where they can lay their eggs. The longer the water has been there, the better it is for mosquitoes. It’ll have organic debris in it that they can use as food for their larvae. By removing standing water from places like old tires, children's pools, and buckets, you’ll reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard. You’ll also want to monitor areas such as the dishes under your plant pots, your pet’s outdoor water bowl, and bird baths. Make sure your rain barrels are properly screened as well.

Take advantage of mosquito dunks

Sometimes, it’s impossible to drain stagnant water from low spots in your yard and self-watering planters. Mosquito dunks can be placed in these spots to deter the little pests. They contain natural bacteria called Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) that will kill the larvae. It works on blackflies, too, but it won’t harm bees and butterflies, frogs, fish, you, or your pets.

Make a trap

You can also use mosquito dunks to create a trap. Cover the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket with leaves or straw. Then, fill it halfway with water. Drop in your mosquito dunks, and place the bucket someplace where it’ll make the biggest impact.

Clean up your yard

Mosquitoes love vegetation. They hide in it to escape the afternoon heat. Trim your shrubs and keep the grass cut, especially around patios, decks, and play areas. Avoid planting ivy and other ground covers near these places, too.

Use mosquito-repelling plants

Plants such as lavender, citrosa, and lemongrass have been known to repel mosquitoes. You can find these plants at your local garden center. If you don't have a place where you can plant these, try using extracts or essential oils from them instead.

Try a fan

This is one of the simplest ways to get rid of mosquitoes. They don't like flying in windy conditions. You’ll drive them away by using a box or oscillating fan while you’re sitting on your patio or deck. If you don't have an electrical outlet nearby, consider using a battery-operated one. Simply set your fan on high, and enjoy a peaceful evening outdoors.

Many of these home remedies can reduce the number of annoying mosquitoes in your backyard. For extreme cases, you can find a local pest control company by searching Marketplace by TheHomeMag. You can also follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more information.


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