Ducts & Indoor Air Quality

Did you know that the air inside your home can be up to five times more polluted than the air outside? This is because many homes are sealed tightly to save energy, preventing more fresh air from entering. In addition, indoor pollution can include dust, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens. One way to improve indoor air quality is by regularly cleaning your ducts. Keep reading to know more about this.

How air duct cleaning improves air quality

Besides the air that enters your home through doors, windows, and other ventilation systems, most air you breathe in your home is distributed through your HVAC ducts. Your system basically functions by taking in dirty air from within your rooms, filtering it, conditioning it, and then sending it back.

So, regardless of how much you clean your house, they'll always be some dust or dirt present. These particles will pile within your ducts over time. And if the duct is dirty, the conditioned air will pick up the piled-up dirt, pollen, and other allergens on its way back into your rooms.

Furthermore, particles could make your filters inefficient by clogging them, which would make it difficult for your system to clean your air.

However, by cleaning your ducts, you can remove the dirt, dust, and other allergens accumulated over time. It will also help improve the general efficiency of your HVAC system in conducting its tasks.

Other benefits of clean air ducts

Having clean air ducts is important because:

  • It can reduce the instances of respiratory ailments and allergies - You can reduce the chances of these particles being circulated back into your rooms by removing the dirt, dust, and other allergens in your ducts. This will help lessen the symptoms of respiratory problems and allergies.

  • It can eliminate musty odors - If your air ducts are full of dirt and dust, they could cause a musty smell in your home.

  • It can help improve energy efficiency - A clean HVAC system does not have to work as hard to circulate air throughout your home. This means that it uses less energy, which could lead to lower utility bills.

  • Prolong the life of your air conditioning systems - When your ducts are clean, there will be less resistance as air moves through them. Your system will operate smoothly and with great efficiency, increasing its longevity.

Why should you hire a professional to clean your ducts?

It's always advisable to use a professional company like Semper FI Heating & Cooling to have your ducts cleaned. Depending on the type of debris found in your system, the process of cleaning ductwork may require special chemicals, proper equipment, and experience. Therfore, this process must be carried out by someone trained and certified to do it.

If you are unsure when or how to go about cleaning your ducts, reach out to us via Facebook or Instagram for advice. Even though the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends doing it once every three to five years, you may have to do it more often depending on where you live and your lifestyle.


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