Time for New Windows?

High-quality, well-maintained windows improve your house's curb appeal, property value, and security. However, nothing lasts forever, and your windows will need a replacement at one point in life. Using old damaged windows for too long can compromise your quality of life. Change your windows if you notice any of the signs below.

1. Audible noises from outside

If you can hear noises from the outside with your windows shut, you have old, poorly sealed windows. Single pane windows have poor noise reduction, so you will likely hear unwanted sounds. Excess noise can impact your mood, productivity, and sleep. To avoid this, invest in double or triple plane glass windows filled with argon gas to keep out unwanted noise. Consult professionals like OuterWare for Windows to advise you on the best option for your house, and you will also get a good installation price.

2. Increased energy bills

Old and inefficient windows leak hot and cold air to the outside. As a result, your HVAC unit will need to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This results in high energy bills. Replacing your windows with more efficient ones will significantly lower your utility bills and save you money in the long run. You can also reduce electricity use by installing new windows in dark areas to increase the natural light in your home. This way, you can use the sun's natural light, especially during summer, to avoid constantly having your lights on.

3. Damaged, warped, or broken windows

Check for signs of rot and warping around the window frames. Warping signifies water infiltration and moisture damage that can cause severe safety issues if ignored. Replacing windows with broken, chipped glass and warped frames improves the appearance of your house.

4. Difficulty while opening or closing the window

If you require more force to open or shut the windows, consider replacing them. Towards the end of your window's lifespan, molds, rot, and rust accumulate, which can lead to jamming or sticking. The house foundation may also shift for older homes, so the window frame no longer fits in the space properly. You might be unable to lock such windows, creating multiple threats. Your house might become an easier target for intruders putting your family and possessions at risk.

5. Excess condensation between glass panes

Poor insulation or failed window seals can allow moisture accumulation between the glass panes. While you can try wiping the moisture and repairing the seals, this is only a temporary solution. The seals may still fail, and the whole cycle starts again. Condensation attracts mold growth that lowers the indoor air quality in your house. Even worse, the windows may begin to leak water, damaging your items and compromising your home's structural integrity. Replace the windows with energy-efficient options from Energy Shield Window & Door Company to prevent recurring problems.

Windows are one of the most prominent home features, so you should always keep them in working order. Check them often and make the necessary upgrades to improve their visual impacts and functionality. Follow TheHomeMag on Facebook and Instagram for more information on upgrading windows.


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