Why Gutter Guards?

Your home has a lot of different pieces to it. There are a lot of things to protect and worry about. Many people fixate on the inside of their homes, and for good reasons. However, taking care of the outside of your home is just as important, and paying attention to your gutters and your roof is exceptionally important. Poor gutters can cause a lot of different issues, such as roof damage and soil erosion. Fortunately, having gutter guards installed can prevent these and many other problems.

Protect your roof

Your gutter guards are a system that helps protect your gutters and therefore protects your home. They are usually made of a wired mesh that will sit over the top of your gutters. These guards help prevent damage and issues with your gutters.

Should your gutters get blocked or malfunction, you may find that your roof will take the excess water. Over time, water will pool and cause roof rot and damage. You may also have other issues with your roof from not properly caring for your gutters, including pulling and damage, animal issues, and more. Gutter guards help to keep your gutters functional, which in turn helps protect your roof.

Prevent soil erosion

When there's damage or issues with your gutter system, it may cause your gutters to fail. Gutter guards help prevent issues. However, should your gutter system fail, you may end up with soil erosion. This is caused by excess water running due to faulty gutters. This is dangerous because excessive soil erosion can lead to structural damage to your home.

When you have gutter guards installed, they not only help the structure of your gutters but also help prevent blockages or damage due to hail, ice, or other extreme weather conditions. Because of this, your gutter system is more likely to continue working properly without any issues, avoiding excess damage and the consequences of failed gutters.

The smart choice

Gutter guards are an easy thing to have that help prevent a lot of damage and issues with your gutter system. When you have gutter guards in place, it'll help prevent blockages. Most gutter blockages are caused by excess leaves or debris collecting in the gutters. You'll also find that damage occurs if birds, insects, or other critters claim your gutters as home.

Having gutter guards installed by a company like the Pacific Gutter Company is a great way to help prevent blockages. Gutter guards can typically be installed within one afternoon. These protective systems last quite a long time with proper installation and care.

Taking care of the gutters is an important part of maintaining a structurally sound home. Save yourself the catastrophe by having gutter guards installed today. For more great articles and resources on home improvement and more, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages!


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