Eco-Friendly Ideas for Indoor Gardens

Indoor gardens are appealing because they offer the best of traditional outdoor gardens in a more creative way. You'll also benefit from cleaner indoor air and an assortment of other perks. Below, we offer eco-friendly and easy-to-design indoor garden ideas for May.

Get your supplies ready

After you finish your spring gardening preparations for summer, turn your attention to your indoor spaces. Get your supplies ready first. These include:

  • Sustainable pots made of disposable materials

  • Organic fertilizer

  • Organic potting soil

  • Hanging baskets

Make your own compost

Use kitchen scraps to make compost. This is a great way to recycle, and it saves you time and money, too! The nutrient-rich soil is also good for your indoor garden.

Use low-light plants

Focus your attention on low-light plants. Rubber plants, for example, thrive in low-light environments indoors. They also only need to be watered once a week. English Ivy also works well indoors, although it can become overgrown if not regularly maintained. Other examples include:

  • Stromanthe triostar

  • Boston ferns

  • Philodendron Prince of Orange

  • Large Snake Black Coral

  • Rabbit Foot Fern

  • Prayer plant

  • Devil's Ivy (Golden Pothos)

Conserve water in smart ways

It's common to overwater indoor plants. Avoid this mistake by reading the directions for your new plants carefully. If necessary, put together a chart that shows when to water and how often for each plant in your home. This comes in handy if children are helping with plant care, too. Also, you can save on water by using collected rainwater to water your indoor plants. Water for cooking can also be reused.

Use LED glow lights

If you have spaces that lack natural light, consider using LED glow lights. They are great energy-saving devices that provide a viable light source for your plants. LED lights can also be used in the winter when days are shorter to keep your plants healthy and vibrant throughout the year.

Check for insects

Check new plants for insects before bringing them indoors. Manage issues with insects further with remedies, such as including neem oil and diatomaceous earth. Other options for pest control include:

  • Pepper spray

  • Epsom salt

  • Soap spray mixed with water to form a solution

Keep plastic plant containers for reuse

Lastly, reuse plastic plant pots if that's all you have on hand. These containers often come with new plants, and they're sturdy enough to keep the plants in place in your home or office. You can decorate these pots with construction paper and other design features if you prefer something a bit more personalized.

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about connecting with gardening professionals if you have any questions or need further assistance. We're here to provide the information you need to make smart, informed decisions.


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