Tips for Keeping Bugs at Bay This Month

Now that spring has arrived, you want to enjoy spending time outdoors. Unfortunately, the bugs return along with the warmer days and blooming flowers. Try these tips for keeping bugs at bay this month.

Change your lighting

Something as simple as switching your outdoor light bulbs from bright white to orange or yellow-tinted lights can keep bugs from visiting your home. Bugs are more attracted to pure white light.

Plant herbs

Planting herbs around your house can send unwanted pests packing. Many bugs don't like the scent of specific herbs. Plant rosemary and garlic to keep biting insects away. Flying bugs don't like chives or lemongrass. Even marigolds help. Bees and wasps stay away from these golden blossoms.

Keep your deck clean

Thoroughly cleaning your deck after every outdoor meal or gathering helps immensely when it comes to controlling the bug population around your home. Wipe down the tables with a disinfectant instead of just warm water. Sweep up crumbs from the floor, too. Keeping your outdoor spaces clean results in fewer bugs.

Use essential oils

Essential oils are a natural, environmentally friendly way to discourage bugs from swarming around your home. Place eucalyptus or lavender oil around the perimeter of your lawn and deck. Cedar oil can be mixed with alcohol and sprayed on hard surfaces to further repel insects.

Spray mouthwash outdoors

Not all creatures enjoy that minty, fresh scent you love in your mouthwash. Bugs avoid that scent, along with other ingredients commonly used in mouthwash. By filling a spray bottle with it and spritzing your outdoor furniture, you're creating a natural bug deterrent.

Remove standing water

Many areas around your home can hold standing water, which is a magnet for many species of bugs. Mosquitoes and others flock to standing water to lay their eggs. After it rains, inspect your property for places where the water has puddles. This water can be found in places like outdoor planters, deck or patio areas, toys, or even on your lawn furniture. Dump out or dry up any water you come across, and remove items that collect moisture during the spring storms.

Burn citronella

Citronella has long been known to keep mosquitoes and other annoying pests at a distance. It’s so popular that you can easily find it at any home improvement store at this time of year. It’s available to burn in torches that you can place in your yard or buy candles that look pretty sitting on your outdoor tables.

These tips should help keep those pesky bugs at bay, but if you still have problems, you may need to contact a professional pest control company. You can find one by visiting Marketplace. For more tips on enjoying bug-free time outdoors, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.


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