Top Signs It's Time for Staircase Remodeling

You might not think about your stairs very much, but obviously, they play an important role in your home. They typically get a lot of daily use, and sometimes, they may need some attention. This is especially true in older homes. Below, we've described five reasons why you might need to remodel your staircase.

1. Loud noises

Creaky stairs might indicate that something isn't lined up right. In some situations, a professional can come in and quickly fix the problem. In other situations, loud creaks and other noises might indicate deeper structural issues. This could require a more comprehensive remodel to ensure that anyone traveling up and down the stairs will be safe while doing so.

2. Loose railings

A railing is a critical part of a staircase, and it should be able to hold quite a bit of weight. If any part of it is loose, a dangerous situation could arise. It's best to call for assistance when you first notice a loose railing. A contractor or handyman can take a look and see what repairs have to be done in order to shore things up.

3. Powder deposits

If you notice powder on or around your stairs, that's a sign that insects have gotten into your staircase. Beetles, termites, and other insects can burrow into the wood and embed themselves. Despite their size, they can weaken your staircase in a relatively short period of time. You'll want to get an insect problem addressed as soon as possible, and if your staircase is damaged, you should get it remodeled so that it can do its job more effectively.

4. Cracks in the treads or risers

Visible cracks in treads or risers are a sign that a staircase may not be able to offer adequate support. Cracks can arise because of changes in humidity levels, and obviously, they can't fix themselves. Unfortunately, the opposite is often true, as cracks can tend to grow over time. A crack will need to be addressed so that safety won't have to be a concern.

5. A fresh start

Like anything else in a home, a staircase may need attention every now and then. Sometimes, the best course of action may be to remodel a staircase, and this gives you a great opportunity to try something new out. A fresh set of stairs may make a big impact on your place, and it could also add value to your home. 

A group like Evergreen Home or Ace Handyman Services could step in and help you out. If you'd like to do more than fix a specific problem, there are many options to consider. You could go for a more modern railing system or a floating staircase, for example, or consider different materials for your risers and treads. 

To get more ideas, check our TheHomeMag on Facebook and Instagram!


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