How to Landscape Your Yard on a Budget

No matter how long you've been in your home, landscaping can feel like a never-ending series of upgrades and improvements. If your budget is tight, you can start with a simple master plan and create a spot where you can linger, grow food and enjoy ornamental plants. 

Focus on big goals

Landscaping on a budget doesn't have to look or feel cheap, but you may need to get used to a few bare spots to start. If your end goal is to put in a pool with the help of Arizona Outdoor Landscape, you can start now on plantings that will work on the perimeter and a seating area where you can linger.

What does your region need?

If you currently have a xeriscaped yard and few plantings, it may be time to visit your local botanical gardens or join up with a master gardener's group. You need to know:

  • What will thrive in your region

  • What will require little water once established

  • Any plants that will support pollinators

If water conservation is a concern in your region, carefully review what areas of your yard you can easily reach with a soaker hose configuration. Check out the cost of adding a timer. Creating a small pocket garden loaded with flowers to support nearby butterflies and bees can be done for a small investment and add a great deal of beauty to your yard. As you build confidence in your ability to grow flowers, consider making space for an edible garden.

Create a spot to linger

If you're going to have a flower garden, make sure you also create a spot where you can sit and enjoy it. If your home faces west, create a patio spot where you can enjoy your morning coffee in the shade on the west side of the house. For the first year, your big investment may just be chairs! Create spots where you can enjoy the great outdoors in all seasons of the year.

A portable fire pit could be a nice addition as could a simple canopy awning near it to start. Do take advantage of all-natural shade. No matter what you ultimately choose to add to your landscaping, make sure that these landscaped spots in your yard can be seen from your seating areas. Yes, it is important that your yard looks nice for neighbors. However, if you only enjoy it when you park your car, you will soon tire of making the investment.

Everyone has a specific landscaping goal for their yard. Whether you're planning a pool or you just want a spot to grow native plants, you can find a professional who can help you make a plan. Check out TheHomeMag on Facebook and study the ideas we feature on Instagram. All of the contractors featured on TheHomeMag's site can offer wonderful images and ideas to suit your outdoor goals.


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