Sustainable Spring Cleaning Habits to Adopt

We all know that feeling when spring arrives. The sun comes out, the days get longer, and the plants begin to bloom. In the distance, you can hear birds chirping their tune into the warm air. The world around you comes alive with a renewed vibrancy that motivates you to start your favorite annual project: spring cleaning.

Springtime is an excellent time to purge your home and rid yourself of excess clutter. There's nothing more satisfying than having more space to move around; however, that's only half the battle. A deep, sustainable spring cleaning is the best way to usher in the new season. Here are some eco-friendly ways to clean your home that you can adopt every year.

Recycle old items

The first thing you may be tempted to do while decluttering is to dispose of anything you're not using. But before you throw away any old books, clothes, or household goods, donate them to a charity such as Goodwill. Set aside anything that can be reused or recycled as well.

During cleaning, go through your kitchen and gather up any leftovers or food scraps. This includes fruit peels, egg shells, and expired food. Put these items in a compost bin for your garden. This is something that should become a habit throughout the year.

Use eco-friendly cleaners

There are several sustainable cleaning products that you can buy. Most of them use recycled bottles that you can refill, which helps eliminate waste. But did you know that these products use organic chemicals that are eco-friendly and non-toxic? These products not only help the Earth, but they are better for your health than most of your average cleaning products. The trick is to check the labels for accuracy so that you get your money's worth. If you don't want to pay for these products, you can try ordinary household supplies instead. Items such as vinegar or baking soda are just as effective at getting the job done.

Use email instead of regular mail

Do you want a way to go paperless? Opt for email instead of traditional mail. Have bills, tax statements, or pay slips sent directly to your email inbox. Install an app if one is offered.

Unsubscribe from companies or organizations that send you flyers you don't need through the mail. That way, you can continue to keep clutter at bay all year round.

Consider natural air fresheners

Conventional air fresheners may make your house smell good, but some contain harsh chemicals that pollute indoor air. And if you're allergic to them, they can cause breathing issues. Essential oils are safer and more effective at making your home smell better without the toxins. They come in a wide variety of scents, including lemon, bergamot, and lavender. They can boost your mood and improve your well-being.

To find more tips for sustainable spring cleaning, check us out on Facebook and Instagram. And let us help you find the certified local professionals you need for your next home improvement project.


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