Spring Storm Survival Guide: Weatherproofing Your Home for Safety

When planning your home spring makeover, you should also consider protecting your property from storms. Spring showers bring May flowers, but these weather conditions can also affect your roof, gutter, lawn, siding, windows, and doors. These spring storm weatherproofing tips will help you fortify your exterior and keep you and your family safe this season.

1. Get your roof inspected

Have you had your annual roof inspection yet? Now is the perfect time to call in a professional. A licensed roofer can ensure that your roof's shingles are secure and address any potential threats, such as holes or cracks that could make your home more vulnerable during a storm.

2. Clean and reinforce your gutters

Experts recommend that you clean your gutters at least once a year, and it doesn't hurt to add extra protection. Gutter guards help prevent clogging. Micro-mesh, stainless steel, and aluminum gutter guards are more durable than PVC or vinyl.

3. Trim trees and bushes

Overhanging branches on trees and nearby shrubbery can quickly become hazardous during a storm. Have a professional tree trimmer cut back any branches that could fall on your home.

4. Secure your outdoor furniture

Your spring garden may be beautiful, but you must consider any features that could be hazardous during storms. Patio furniture, grills, children's swing sets, dog houses, bird baths, and feeders are all potential risks during stormy weather. You should ensure they are secured to the ground and bring anything light enough inside to prevent it from becoming airborne.

5. Inspect your exterior walls

Does the siding have any noticeable cracks or missing pieces? Are there any concerning gaps or holes in exterior walls that could pose a risk to your home? Hire a professional to address these issues. This will prevent water damage to your home and foundation during a storm.

6. Seal doors and windows

Closely examine all doors and windows for noticeable spaces around them. If you notice any weak seals, reinforce them. Weatherstripping kits are inexpensive and effective ways to keep your home safe. They also have the added benefit of boosting comfort by preventing drafts and unwanted heat loss!

7. Create a storm safety kit

Have a family emergency storm kit ready in case you need to evacuate or during power outages. Ensure you have enough batteries for flashlights and at least one gallon of water for each person. It's best to buy two to four gallons of water per person if you have to go without access for several days at a time. You can find many emergency kits online that are pre-packed.

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