Smart Tips for a Smaller Spaces

Small spaces make for wonderful homes. They’re simple, unique, and contain everything a person loves. Small spaces can mean limited living space, though. Here are some tips and tricks to make it work. 

1. Think of uncommon storage places

You might have a few inches of space between your cabinets and fridge or an empty corner next to a room’s entryway. Think of the space immediately beneath your cabinets or the area on the inside of your cabinet doors. 

You don’t have to fill your entire home with all of your belongings, but you can place your things in strategic places and still make them look neat and tidy. For example, you can place wine bottles or other types of bottles next to your fridge. You can install corner shelves to neatly store your items. You can hang wire shelves beneath your cabinets to keep rags, cookbooks, and other must-needs for your kitchen. 

2. Scale down

It’s always a good idea to keep items you need and get rid of the ones you don’t. Every so often, take a look at your belongings. Get rid of expired medicines, and go through your books, clothing, and all your other possessions. Make sure to put your items in storage in an organized way, so that you can see them. When you have all of your things organized, you will feel happier and be able to think more clearly. 

3. Go vertical with storage options

Think of floating shelves placed in different areas around the rooms in your space. You can have some closer to the ceiling if you have items you don’t need to use all the time. Going vertical with storage helps to store multiple items in a room without cluttering up your living space. One Day Doors & Closets can help you to customize a closet to increase hidden storage space. Overhead Storage of Phoenix can help you with storage options in your garage too. 

4. Get furniture that doubles as storage

By getting furniture that doubles as storage, you can increase the space in your home by two. Consider having a bed, couch, or ottoman where you can store blankets, pillows, and all sorts of bedding. A cube storage shelf with doors can double as a dresser. All you need to do is roll up your clothes and place them sideways or store them within cubes. 

5. Open up your small place with light

Light does a wonderful job of opening up small spaces. You can get several mirrors or more lights, and you can also increase the natural light in your home by opening up your curtains and blinds. If you need privacy, consider getting special window tint

Find more tips and tricks for your small space

Explore the above-mentioned tips and tricks to perfect your space. Discover other ways to increase your living space by visiting Facebook and Instagram today.


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