Assessing Your Home Lighting Needs

How much influence do you have on the light in your home? When making renovations, it's important that you understand which light best complements your place. If you've never had to choose the lighting, you can always hire professional help for both advice and installation. Doing so can save both time and money for you and potential buyers. 

When creating your ideal lighting situation, you can utilize forms like natural, artificial, or both. Experts like Arizona Home Daylight can help you achieve your goals by combining functionality and aesthetic appeal. Here are some common attributes they help you determine during the renovation process. 

Always take measurements

Whether you're interested in installing fixtures or creating more natural light, remember that measuring is your friend. There's nothing worse than making decisions and realizing you don't have the space to accommodate them. As soon as you and your contractor have discussed what you want, they should calculate whether or not it's possible. Otherwise, you risk hitting important elements like wiring, which can be dangerous and expensive.

This includes weight. You want to ensure anything that will be hanging from your ceiling isn't too heavy. Not only can it fall and damage surrounding property, but it can also be hazardous to people who end up underneath the fixture. 

Add complementary design elements

Did you know that you can add accessories to enhance the effectiveness of your lighting? A perfect example is the addition of mirrors. If you're strategic in where you place them, the mirrors can reflect existing light sources into otherwise dark areas of the room. 

Another technique professionals use to help lighten a room is painting lighter colors. Brighter hues have the same impact as reflective fixtures like mirrors. 

Consider the purpose of the room

Sure, some of your rooms have multiple functions. However, most rooms are used exclusively for certain tasks and don't require as much light. If you have to install lighting in your home, mapping how much light you need per room can help you find the perfect placement and type. 

For rooms with more traffic, maybe you want to create lighting levels. Fixtures on the ceiling with lamps on the ground or a dresser can help distribute your light source and warm up any area. 

Artificial lighting options like dimmers are great options for rooms that lack natural light. Best of all, you conserve energy and even reduce your bills with the adjustment of a switch. If you're looking to sell in the near future, this can help convince possible buyers to close the deal. 

Having adequate lighting makes a huge difference in your home's ambiance. Making the right decisions can help you maximize your living space and give you a great return on investment. Want more home improvement tips? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at TheHomeMag.


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