Keeping Your Gutters Clean (Copy)

Gutters do an important job. They direct rainwater away from the sides of your home, preventing it from pooling where it shouldn't be. If you keep your gutters clean off debris, they'll be able to help you much more effectively.

Problems with clogged gutters

Because of their location, gutters can be vulnerable. They're exposed to the elements, and they deal with all the water that's washed down your roof. It makes sense that they can serve as a type of collection area for leaves, branches, and twigs. A gutter could also be a nice place for a critter, like a bird or a squirrel, to hang out. These animals could bring straw, hay, nuts, or other items into gutters with them.

If a gutter gets clogged, it's going to have trouble doing its job. If there's a blockage, which can often happen around downspouts, the water will likely spill over the sides. This water can erode your soil, get into your foundation, and possibly seep into your basement. If this issue happens right above a window or door, you might notice water pooling around your door or window sills. Plus, a clogged gutter can lead to certain areas of your yard getting too much water or even being underwater after a storm

Keep it clean

You should have your gutters cleaned twice a year. Toward the end of fall is a great time to have this done since the leaves have mostly fallen from the trees. Spring is another good time to have this service done. One way to get the job completed is to do it by hand. However, you can run into some pretty gross things up there, and remember that you'll have to get above the gutter in order to see what you're doing. Since this can be dangerous, it's important to ask for professional assistance so that you can stay safe. A professional can flush out your gutters and downspouts very effectively. Grime or sediment that may have built up in hard-to-reach spots can be taken care of, too.

If there are trees that are close to your house, it's likely that they're depositing all sorts of things each year. Leaves, twigs, pine needles, and sticky tree sap can all fall from trees and clog gutters. Consider having these trees removed, or at least trimmed, in order to protect your home more effectively.

Preventing debris from getting into gutters

Another idea to think about is getting gutter guards or clog-free gutters like the ones that Ever Clean Gutter Systems use. These types of gutters have been designed to block debris from getting into gutters. They can be installed pretty quickly and will do a great job.

Having your gutters professionally cleaned is a smart idea, and protecting them from debris can be even smarter. If you'd like more information about gutter guards, clog-free gutters, or cleaning your gutters, follow TheHomeMag on Facebook and Instagram!


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