Gas or Electric Stove?

So, you’ve decided to upgrade some of your kitchen appliances. One of the most important additions to your kitchen is a stove. Oftentimes, people choose the trendiest or most aesthetically appealing options for a beautiful kitchen layout. As a homeowner looking to adequately feed your family, you need to choose the safest appliances possible. 

The electric versus gas stove debate has been a contender in kitchen stove conversations. For the most part, electric stoves come out victorious. If you’re one of the many people looking to buy a stove and want more insight on why electric stoves are safer, here are some common reasons.

Electric stoves have an easy setup

One of the many reasons electric stoves are safe is their easy setup. As long as you have an outlet, you can simply plug it in and use it. Conversely, gas stoves have to be connected to a gas line, which can be dangerous if improperly installed. 

While installation is simple and safer, make sure that the model you choose can thrive on the voltage you have available. You may need to have an electrician like the professionals at WireNut Home Services help you assess your needs. From there, they can install the proper additions that make your electric stove work at full capacity. 

No exposure to open flames

When using a gas stove, you have to worry about burning yourself or surrounding objects on the open flame. Even if you have your stove on low heat, a simple mistake can set your kitchen on fire if your burner comes in contact with a flammable substance. 

As long as you clean up spills on your electric stove, you’re generally safe from igniting a stovetop fire. Additionally, make sure your element isn’t damaged to reduce your chances of a fire-related accident.

They don’t emit harmful gasses

Finally, electric stoves are safer because they don’t emit gasses that are bad for your health. Gas stoves release carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, which contribute to the pollution of your home’s air. Carbon monoxide is especially dangerous because it cuts off the flow of oxygen to your vital organs, which can be fatal.

A simple mistake like accidentally triggering the gas on a stove without it igniting can be enough to fill your home with this deadly gas. Even if you have a carbon monoxide detector, it’s better to play it safe with an electric stove. 

As technology evolves, you can find electric stoves that are both practical and nice to look at. If you're trying to keep your home and family safe while preparing your daily meals, investing in an electric stove is essential. Enhance your safety by hiring professionals for installation.

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