Countertops: What’s on the Market?

Remodeling or building a new home requires kitchen and bathroom countertops that are both functional and stylish. Though numerous countertop materials are used in homes today, a few main choices are the most popular. 


Granite is by far the most utilized countertop material in kitchens today. Granite is often called all-natural stone countertops. With a hardness of around 7 on a scale of 1 to 10, granite countertops are constructed from natural stone composites that contain at least 20% quartz, mica, and feldspar.

Granite's natural color and pattern combinations make it an elegant material that can be warm and rich or clean and modern, depending on the design chosen for your countertop. Their natural resistance to staining and scratching and their ability to handle heat exceptionally well make granite countertops very popular with professional contractors like Kitchen Tune-Up.


Unlike granite countertops, quartz countertops are manufactured rather than cut from natural stone slabs. The quartz countertop is constructed similarly to engineered hardwood floors in that approximately 90% of the ground quartz is combined with 8-10% resin, polymers, and pigment to form an attractive and durable material composed primarily of natural stone.

Quartz countertops have a wide variety of options compared to other stone materials. They offer endless color combinations that nature does not typically produce. In addition, quartz countertops are non-porous and tend to resist staining more effectively than granite, marble, or concrete. The product holds up well against wine, coffee, oil, tomato, and other sources of stains in the kitchen.


For thousands of years, marble has been considered an excellent construction material. However, marble's less-durable composition sometimes conflicts with its beauty as a countertop material. Despite marble's heat resistance, this elegant material has some drawbacks. The porous nature of marble makes it more susceptible to liquid absorption and staining than granite countertops.


Tile is a durable, inexpensive countertop option in various colors and styles. It is possible to choose from ceramic, porcelain, or even glass tiles for kitchen or bathroom countertops. People typically choose tile for their countertops for two reasons.

Most commonly, it is the price. Materials used for tile are generally less expensive than those used for natural or engineered stone countertops. Second, tile can create a particular style for a countertop application.

Solid Surface

A solid-surface countertop is a highly durable countertop option made from various natural and artificial materials. It is typically heat-resistant, stain-resistant, and mold-resistant. It is increasingly popular for consumers to choose solid-surface countertops over stone-like countertop options because they offer a more environmentally friendly and durable alternative. They can also be an excellent work surface for food prep and various crafts.

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