Inspiring Closet Organizing Ideas to Get You Started

Are you tired of trying to find space in your closet when you do a load of laundry or bring home some new clothes? Maybe you have a hodgepodge of clothing scattered around your bedroom just because you don't have enough space. Finding time to organize the space is challenging. We found some new and fun ideas to inspire you to create your dream closet today.

1. Design your perfect happy place

Your happy place is a place that makes you happy every time you look at it or even think about it. Now is the time to decide what your perfect closet has. Whether it's a built-in rack to display your favorite shoes and accessories or hanging rods to organize all of your tops, you can add them to the space. Pick one thing that you want to highlight that will catch your eye right off the bat.

2. Adjust the height

Some closets don't work because they have shelves that are all the same height. This limits what you can put out and also keeps you from maximizing the space. You may have heavy coats or tall boots that won't fit on the shelves. Choosing shelving of different heights is a good way to ensure you have enough room for your things. Painting the shelves bright, like pink or yellow, adds a fun touch.

3. Add a dresser

You probably want to organize your closet because you either don't have enough space in your old dresser or you don't have one at all. If your closet is big enough, adding a dresser gives you loads more space. Look for a chest of drawers that matches your sense of style. Opt for one with three or more drawers to get more storage. If you're not a fan of dressers or you want to save money, plastic totes with lids work just as well.

4. Make use of the door

The door is an often overlooked spot, but it helps with your closet organization. You'll find many racks that fit over the door and hold shoes, jewelry, and other small items inside separate pockets. For a more stylish look, go with individual hooks that let you hang those same items.

5. Consider floating shelves

Floating shelves work great in most closets. They don't make the space feel as tight or cramped as ordinary shelving units do. You can choose from different colors and styles to create your desired look and even place them at varying heights.

Organizing your closet is a task you can do in just a few days. It's easier to start by removing some of your clutter and reducing how much you need to store. Pick up more tips on organizing your closet and see inspiring photos on our Facebook and Instagram pages.


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