Tips for Taming Weeds and Pests in Your Garden

June’s warmth and sunshine are beckoning you to get outside, and gardening can be a great outdoor pastime. Whether you want a low-maintenance garden that doesn't require a lot of work or one filled with your favorite plants, getting rid of pests and weeds is key. These pesky animals and plants can wreak havoc on your yard and even find ways to invade your home. Here are our top tips to help you keep weeds and pests at bay.

1. Cut back on natural resources

Your gorgeous garden is a magnet for squirrels, rabbits, and even feral cats. Other creatures you might worry about include bees, wasps, and birds. Eliminating some of their natural resources will make them look for other places to live and play. Start by removing any shelters you offer them, such as old construction supplies or broken patio furniture. You can then focus on their food and water sources. Consider eliminating certain plants, too. Catnip growing in your garden will attract neighborhood cats, while bright and fragrant flowers will attract bees and other insects. Also, get rid of standing water, which attracts mosquitoes.

2. Remove weeds

Removing weeds doesn't have to take a long time. Plan to focus on your garden or yard on your next day off. Cutting off weeds' heads will keep them from producing the seeds that allow more weeds to take over the space. You can use lawn tools to remove dozens of heads at the same time. If you have more time, pull the weeds. This requires you to gently tug the entire plant from the ground, making sure you remove the heads and the roots.

3. Use herbicides and pesticides

One of the best ways to tame weeds and pests is to apply herbicides or pesticides. While herbicides work great on most weeds, pesticides keep rodents and other animals from nesting in your yard. Always use caution when applying the products, and make sure to keep your children and pets safe. If you don't feel comfortable handling the job yourself, professionals can help you prepare your lawn for summer

4. Plant ground cover

Ground cover is a type of plant that covers the ground and can replace grass. It's a good choice if you have weeds growing in your flower beds. Use Marketplace by TheHomeMag to find local pros who can plant the cover you need. Ground cover prevents weeds from getting the sun's light. Japanese-painted ferns and sedges are options that require little maintenance.

Why spend your whole summer fighting with weeds and pests? Using herbicides and pesticides, removing weeds correctly, planting ground cover, and eliminating natural resources will help you enjoy your yard this year. Follow The Home Mag on Instagram, or use our Facebook page to pick up even more fun and easy landscaping tips.


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