Why Gutter Cleaning Is Essential For Summer

While the summer sunshine might distract you, don't let it sidetrack you from essential home maintenance tasks like gutter cleaning. You need to clean your gutters several times a year, especially during the summer. Dirty gutters block water flow, and this can make them heavy enough to pull away from the roof. Once this happens, you need not only gutter repairs but also roof repairs. We'll explain the top reasons to stop putting gutter cleaning off and get it done as soon as possible.

Summer rainstorms hit differently

Summer might have more days of sunshine than other times of the year, but that doesn't mean storms don't roll into town — and when they do, they can hit hard. Clogged gutters can't handle torrential rainfall. They can't do their job properly, channeling rainwater away from your roof and house. A clogged gutter system can cause rainwater to collect around the foundation, leading to soil erosion and foundation leaks. Additionally, clogged gutters can cause water damage to your home, resulting in problems such as rotting wood and leaky ceilings.

Animals may be nesting in your gutters rent-free

Animal activity increases during the summer. Squirrels, birds, mice, and other creatures look for places to build their nests, preparing for the cooler months. Your gutters offer the perfect environment for nesting. Removing the nests keeps water moving through the gutters and prevents animals from chewing electrical wires or gnawing at studs in attic spaces. Clean gutters also prevent mosquitos, termites, and ants from breeding and causing pest control problems at home. It's cheaper and more convenient to clean your gutters than have your home bug-bombed.

Mold may be forming

Summer's heat and humidity create the perfect conditions for mold to grow. Many homeowners erroneously believe mold growth outside the home isn't a big deal and it won't affect their health. However, moldy gutters smell bad and, if you come in contact with the mold, you come in contact with harmful bacteria, too. Mold can also affect the integrity of the gutters, possibly reducing their longevity. Keeping the gutters clean reduces the chances of needing to replace them prematurely.

Pros are available to clean your gutters

The best way to clean your gutters is to hire professionals. Gutter cleaning requires climbing ladders and sometimes crawling onto the roof. Without the proper knowledge and gear, these can quickly become dangerous situations. Professionals assume the risk so you don't have to. They have the proper tools and know the best techniques for unclogging gutters fast without damaging the gutters or roof.

To learn more summer household maintenance tips, check out our Facebook and Instagram pages. We can also connect you with certified local professionals near you for all home maintenance needs.


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