When To Hire an HVAC Specialist

Your home's HVAC equipment is part of a complex system that includes indoor air handlers, outdoor condensers, and ductwork. While most people are aware that they need to have their heating and cooling systems maintained, they often forget about the ductwork. Here are some reasons to hire an HVAC specialist to ensure your home's ductwork is doing its job.

1. Check for leaks

Have you noticed rooms in your home that are more comfortable temperature-wise than others? You might think there is a problem with your thermostat or the HVAC system. Yet, the problem could be leaky ductwork.

As heated or cooled air moves through the duct system, it causes the metal ducting to expand and contract. After several years of this action, it's not unusual for duct seals to loosen. When this happens, air leaks from the ducts, and some rooms might not get the same airflow. You end up with uncomfortable rooms and a higher energy bill because you lose anywhere from 20%-30% of heated or cooled air from those leaky seals. 

Fortunately, it's not difficult to fix this problem. An HVAC specialist like those at AirNow Today can quickly identify broken seals and pinhole leaks and repair the problem quickly.

2. Ductwork isn't the right size

Ductwork isn't one-size-fits-all. If the ductwork is too small, airflow becomes restricted, and it's harder to keep rooms at a comfortable temperature. If the ductwork is too large, you could still have problems with airflow because the heated or cooled air can't reach the rooms fast enough. This problem happens more often than people realize, especially those living in newer homes. The best way to ensure your home always has the right-sized ductwork is to hire quality, experienced HVAC specialists. Inexperienced installers do amateur work that costs you more money in the long run.

3. Dirty ducts are obstructing airflow

When ductwork is clogged with dirt and debris, airflow quickly becomes obstructed. Not only is airflow restricted, but what air does reach your rooms is likely polluted and reduces your home's indoor air quality. Here are some signs of dirty ducts:

  • Household members sneeze more often and experience more respiratory problems

  • Allergies worsen

  • Dust covers surfaces more often

  • Airflow is restricted, or the AC blows warm air

HVAC professionals recommend households have their ductwork cleaned every three to five years. However, sometimes more frequent air duct cleaning is needed, especially in large families, those households with pets, and households that allow smoking or vaping indoors. Air duct cleaning improves indoor air quality, makes breathing easy, and keeps your house clean. It also helps your heating and cooling systems run more effectively, saving you money on energy costs. 

You can get your ducts in a row faster and cheaper than you think. Connect with an HVAC specialist near you to learn more about the value of ductwork services. For more information on duct repair or duct cleaning, follow TheHomeMag on Facebook and Instagram.


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