What Are the Top Signs of A Sewer Backup?

The sewer system in your home should work well enough that you do not even know it is there. When it gets backed up, however, it can quickly become a nuisance and a health hazard. Be on the lookout for the four top early warning signs that your home's sewer system is backing up and needs immediate professional assistance from a service like Thomas & Galbraith Heating, Cooling & Plumbing.

1. Drains gurgle when you use high volumes of water

Just like the main water line that feeds your home's plumbing, the main sewer line connects to a network of drains. When the main pipe is clogged, gray water and sewage from one area of the house will cause air and sewer water to back up into drains in others.

When this occurs, you will start to hear gurgling noises coming from your drains when anyone in your household uses high volumes of water. When someone uses the toilet or washing machine, for example, you will hear your shower or kitchen drain gurgle when the sewage is blocked and redirected back up into the drainpipe network.

2. Toilets overflow when someone takes a shower

The same concept that causes the gurgling noises can also affect your ability to flush the toilets. Whenever someone is taking a shower, for example, the toilet may overflow as the gray water comes back up from the main sewer line into the toilet bowl.

Since going without a toilet in your home is unacceptable, you need to make an immediate call to a company such as Arlinghaus Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning in the Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati areas. 

3. Defined areas of your lawn are greener than the rest

When certain areas of your lawn are greener than the rest and you know the drainage is good, sewage backing up through a damaged line is the likely culprit. If there are any cracks or holes in the main line, the backed-up sewage will filter into the surrounding soil. Since the area will receive extra moisture, the grass there will grow faster and lusher than the rest of your lawn.

4. Sewer water spews from your home's sewer cleanout access

Somewhere on the outside of your house is a sewer cleanout access. This access looks like a capped pipe with a square bolt in the center, and it allows for easier removal of blockage from the main line. When the sewer line is clogged, you will often see sewer water spew out around the cap and through the bolt. This overflow is most easily seen when you flush the toilet or during the washing machine's drainage cycle.

Get more information today

You need to not only learn to recognize the early warning signs of a backed-up main sewer line but also discover ways to prevent clogs. Find out more by following TheHomeMag on Facebook.


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