Welcoming the Warmth of Spring into Your Home

Winter can feel endless, especially if you live in a region that grows muddy and slushy as winter ends. To truly banish those winter doldrums, consider tackling a few projects that will freshen your space and improve your peace of mind.

Clean and declutter your home inside and out

Block out a chunk of time where you can clean with vigor. Make a plan that allows everyone in the house to help on an age appropriate task and go for it. Turn up the tunes and define your reward as a family to get everyone charged up. If Saturday is cleaning day, then Sunday can be fun day.

Put older children to work picking up items that need to be put away. If closets are bursting with clothes that no longer fit, have your children try on all their spring and summer garments from last year to see what needs to be replaced. Create a donation box for toys and clothes that are no longer of use.

Contact a company like Ready Clean to scrub the outside while you tackle the inside of your home. If your partner isn't keen on inside cleaning, now may be a great time for them to tackle the garage and bundle up paper for recycling. As soon as room is cleaned, open the windows to let in the fresh air.

Put some thinking time into it

It's easy to get an itch to renovate or improve your home only to be disappointed with the result. To avoid the expense and mess of a renovation that misses the mark, think about what items you truly need.

If you're really interested in spending more time outside as a family, now may be the time to call a company such as Great Barrier Fence Company to create more privacy in your backyard. Once the fence is in and you feel a bit more freedom, you may want to plant some fruit trees or start a garden.

For those who take pleasure in getting up early and meditating or journaling, a coffee or tea bar might be the perfect addition to your space. These areas can be simple to create in your current space and can add a great deal of pleasure to your day.

Force seeds indoors

Perhaps you've already got a garden spot for vegetables and are just waiting for your outdoor bulbs to send up some greenery. If winter just won't go, treat yourself to a small pot of soil and plant lemon seeds.

Slice up a seeded lemon from the grocery store and plant the seeds in a small pot with good potting soil. Lemon seeds produce a small green plant that smells amazing. Keep it watered over the summer and freshen your space naturally.

Spring will come. While you wait, you can make some changes to your space that will be wonderful for your spirit and easy on your budget. Look for more ways to celebrate spring on our Facebook and Instagram pages.


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