Dialing back extension cord overuse

Extension cords can be a blessing. For one, they’re beneficial when you’re short on outlets in your entertainment room or office. They’re also a godsend for sending electricity to places in your home that otherwise wouldn’t have access to an electricity source. 

However, it’s possible to overuse your extension cords, leading to a myriad of potential problems. Everything from short circuits and fires to shock-related injuries can be signs of overuse of your cords. Here’s how to identify extensive cord use and pull back the reins. 

Extension cords are a temporary solution

When it comes to power sources, relying on cords too much is the equivalent of putting a bandage on a broken bone. They only contain a limited amount of volts per cord, so using them to power numerous sources can cause otherwise avoidable power outages. 

While they are convenient, these power cords should only be used as a short-term solution. Frequent and long use of them puts your home and health at risk. 

Oversaturation is also problematic

Just like using them for too long, having too many plugs in one extension cord is not a good idea. Having your game system, cell phone charger, lamp, and television plugged into one extension cord means each device receives less power, which makes you need to use it longer. 

Basically, you have to limit your use of each cord. Simple steps like unplugging unused sources like chargers or electronics will put less strain on the extension cord and minimize hazards or property damage. It’ll also cut both energy and maintenance costs.

Your outlets are shorting

Since technology encourages convenience, people don’t consider investing in new outlets. Instead, they just add more cords. Sometimes, they use extension cords with other extension cords. 

While it may take more time, have a professional electrician come and evaluate your existing outlets. If they’re faulty, you won’t get the surge of power you need, which makes you rely on your cords even more. In addition to identifying and troubleshooting issues with the outlets you have, they can also install new outlets in places that help you eliminate some of your reliance on extension cords.

Take advantage of the advances in the energy industry. You have more options that suit your personal needs, so installation and meeting energy needs should be a breeze. The contractors at Penguin Air would agree that when it comes to powering your home and hobbies, you could never have too many functional outlets. This gives you a more even distribution of power and promotes safer energy practices. 

Don’t choose between your favorite electronics and your home’s well-being. If you have extension cords, you need to recognize the risks of overuse before and how to minimize potential electric-related hazards. For more on extension cords and other home improvement techniques, follow TheHomeMag on Facebook and Instagram today.


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