Trendy Paint Colors

What color should you choose for your next home renovation project? The answer might surprise you. If you’re looking to spruce up your house or apartment, you probably want to paint the walls a new shade. But choosing the perfect color can be tricky.

There are hundreds of shades out there, from bright pinks to deep purples, and they come in every imaginable hue. Some colors look great together, while others clash horribly. Knowing how different tones work with one another will help you plan your next decorating project —whether you’re redoing a room, repainting your whole house, or just choosing new curtains. These five trends will help guide you through this color-rich world.

1. Green + blue + gray

This combo can serve as an earthy neutral that works well with almost anything else, making it versatile enough to suit any décor. Mixing these three hues is a smart way to use color contrast, but don’t worry if your walls aren’t covered yet; you can still pick two colors, like gray and blue, and then add white accents.

Mixing these three hues isn’t as simple as mixing black and white. You'll need to think about how the complementary hues relate to each other on the color wheel. An experienced company like 360° Painting can help you find the perfect combination.

2. Deep yellows

Nothing says summer vacation quite like a bold, sunny yellow wall, right? If all you have are light yellows, try combining them with cool blues, like cobalt, or grays to balance out the color. This trio creates a soft glow that doesn’t compete with other hues.

If you prefer deeper, richer yellows, go for a dark orange base such as rust and pair it with warm reds and browns for balance. Or mix your yellows with brighter greens. Mixing these hues isn’t too bright, so it won’t overpower other colors, which means less cleanup when you update your temporary accent walls.

3. Dark crimson

One of the most iconic colors in design history, crimson can fit into any palette. Mix it with more subdued colors like blue or purple, and you’ll achieve a dramatic effect that is not overly so. In the realm of bold wall paints, dark crimson remains unparalleled for its ability to make an impact while staying within the bounds of good taste.

4. Blue

To take advantage of this calming color, try pairing it with deep oranges, reds, or even rich golds. All these colors bring out an unexpected richness in the blues, creating a pleasant contrast.

Blue also has the magic touch for bringing down the temperature in small spaces. Try it paired with deep greens, cream, or other cooler tones.

5. Red + orange

Thanks to their complementary relationship on the color wheel, these two hues are often used in tandem. But using two similar colors at once makes them seem even better together. Try mixing the two in a range of shades and textures, such as brick red and sandstone red or russet and rusty orange.

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