Transforming Your Outdoor Space Into a Spring Oasis

For those who live in regions where winter can be tough, spring can often be a relief as well as a breath of fresh air. To make sure that your home shows off just how excited you are for spring, consider the tips below.

Put flowers in portable pots

If you've got a front porch that gets a decent amount of sun, treat yourself to some portable pots in wooden crates that you can quickly bring inside if winter decides to come back. Not only will these flowers improve your curb appeal, but lightweight crates loaded with small pots can easily be improved with solar lights and a bit of fresh paint.

To make sure that your newly moved flowers don't cause a big mess inside your home, treat yourself to a new vinyl shower curtain liner. Store the old one in the back of one of your crates. When you need to move plants inside, put the shower curtain on the floor and set the crates on top. When winter leaves again, put the crates back out.

If your front porch doesn't get a lot of sun, treat yourself to some asparagus ferns and keep them indoors over winter. When you put the pots back outside in the spring, load them up with a variety of solar lights in different colors.

Treat your yard for mosquitoes early

Treating your property for mosquitoes and ticks at the right time with the right product is key to making sure that you can enjoy your time outdoors. To determine the best path forward, consider booking an appointment with Mosquito Shield to make sure that you can sit out and enjoy the spring air.

If you prefer not to spray, it may make more sense to install a professional mosquito trap near your favorite outdoor space. No matter what method you choose, working with an expert who understands what draws mosquitoes can help you avoid getting eaten alive while you try to enjoy the spring season in your outdoor spaces.

Update your screens

Open up your house with quality, custom Phantom Screens. As you relax in your home at the end of a long day of planting flowers or preparing your garden, these custom screens can be stretched over openings outside your home.

If you have a front patio that you can use just until sundown because that's when the mosquitoes come out, these screens can extend your evening. These tools can also give you an additional barrier inside your home as you retreat indoors on a cool evening.

There is nothing as fresh or wonderful as a beautiful spring day. You can brighten up your outdoor space and get more pleasure out of it with portable flowers, fewer bugs, and great screens. For more tips on creating a spring paradise, check out our Facebook and Instagram pages.


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