Tips To Keep Away Unwanted Guests

Being in a home with a pest infestation comes with several risks. In addition to being a nuisance, you can have a pest infestation that carries disease. Rodents and insects can also damage your home's wiring, ductwork and structural wood components.

Even if you don’t currently have pests, prevention is always a smart idea. If you don’t know where to begin, here are some renovation ideas to keep them away.

1. Seal any exterior openings

One of the best ways to eliminate the chances of an infestation is to seal exterior gaps. These essentially give them an invitation into your residence, especially during the colder months.

Before the weather begins to change, schedule a consultation with a pest control specialist. They can inspect the outside of your home as well as your landscaping so you know where they are coming in. From there, they can be sealed.

2. Properly store indoor and outdoor materials

Do you use a fire pit in your yard? Sometimes, your outdoor materials like firewood function as transitional housing until pests find a way into your home. Rodents and various insects seek shelter in your outdoor materials. Regularly giving your wood a once-over before moving it to a pest-proof storage option is ideal for keeping it away.

If you plan on glancing at your wood yourself, make sure you wear gloves. If a rodent or bug is hiding in the pile, you can frighten them, leading to a bite. Also, make sure your doors and windows are closed before your inspection. Once they lose their hiding place, they may flee into your home.

The same applies to indoor storage. Keep your food in sealed containers. You should also make sure you don’t leave your garbage bins open or overflowing. Cut off their food source to keep them away from your home.

3. Keep everything clean

Although pests will live in a clean home if it’s cozy enough, they thrive in a messier environment. One reason is that they can go longer without being noticed.

Tidying and vacuuming on a regular basis gets those extra crumbs taken care of. Certain scented cleaning products also deter them if they have a sensitive sense of smell.

Pest control is best when you’re proactive. The previously mentioned tips paired with annual pest control inspections with a professional company like Attica Green Solutions can keep them from settling in. Also, make sure your home screens are in tip-top shape if you leave windows and doors open.

Want to stay on top of your home improvement skills? You can follow TheHomeMag on social media for regular updates and tips. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram today.


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