Tidy Workspace, Clear Mind: Office Storage Insights

Your home office may be the spot where you take care of household paperwork. It could also be the space where you do your 40-hour-a-week job or run your business. Setting up your home office with effective storage will make it easier to focus and get things done.

Prevent distractions

Keeping your mind organized is as crucial as keeping your office organized. If your home office features big windows, a company like 3 Day Blinds can help you choose window coverings that you can keep closed when you need to work and open up when you're ready for more light and fresh air.

Stick with a simple color palette

Open shelving is a beautifully simple way to store many items. To keep your office tidy, look for monochromatic ways to improve your storage.

Simple white plank shelves, put up either by you or by a company like Juan Vazquez Handyman, can give you space for bins and baskets. If you're a creator or a designer, your bins and baskets can be labeled and grouped in ways that allow you to easily access images, fabric samples or paint swatches.

Be careful about using trendy colors for your bins. When you need to increase your collection, you may not be able to find new bins in that color. White shelves and black bins, simple minimalist design features, will be easy to expand as your projects grow.

Create a clean-up ritual

Get in the habit of creating a clean-up ritual at the end of each day. Remove coffee cups and your water bottle to the kitchen. Fold your laptop and clear your whiteboard of concepts that you won't need tomorrow.

Put away papers you don't need, or stack them in a staggered pattern so you can tackle them in order. Make a list of the first three things you need to do tomorrow so you can hit the ground running.

Shield your work

For those who are especially creative, work can get messy. If part of your office work includes layout, paste-up, or other creative actions that take some room, consider getting a large piece of thin plexiglass to protect your work at the end of the day.

If you're laying out fabric for a quilt, putting plexiglass over it will allow you to see the colors side by side without accidentally altering your pattern. Put rubber feet on the "work" side of your plexiglass so you can easily pick it up and not cause damage to your layout as you move it.

Protecting your office from becoming a chaotic mess will make it easier to keep doing your job. No matter what work you do in your office, tidying the space before you leave for the day and grouping materials and products will save you time tomorrow. Look for more ideas from The Home Mag on Facebook and Instagram.


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