The Fall Migration: 8 Ways to Keep Warmth-Seeking Pests Out of the Home

Winter is on the way, and everyone is looking for a way to stay warm. Sadly, this may include critters that are trying to sneak into your home. Now is the time to review the exterior of your home for access points. It's also a good idea to check around indoors for signs of mice, rats and other pests. Here are eight ways to keep heat-seeking beasties at bay.

1. Don't feed them

Take a good, hard look at where you eat and what crumbs you may leave there. If you have a family room in the basement where you watch TV with popcorn and other snacks, you may also be unintentionally feeding pests. Take the time to vacuum up any crumbs that may have dropped to the floor. Never leave opened bags of chips or boxes of crackers sitting around.

2. Give them no room to hide

Take a walk around your Indianapolis home, and contact Hippo Hauling if there's any junk that needs to go. You may move unused toys and unwanted supplies close to your house when you need to mow, water or fertilize your lawn. These items can create an ideal haven for rodents trying to chew their way into your home.

3. Block access

If you notice holes in your siding or soffits, reach out to JD Hostetter & Associates for a conversation about repairing your siding. It takes very little time for raccoons to chew their way into your attic. Once they're in, they create a terrible mess. Before you have to deal with fouled insulation and other nastiness, get your siding fixed.

4. Use light

Mice don't see well. You can use light to keep them away from a favorite access point if you are waiting for a contractor to come and work on a project. Put flashing solar lights around places where you fear mice are getting in. It's not a permanent fix, but it will give you some protection.

5. Consider fragrance

Your local hardware store may be able to suggest some odors that will keep rodents out of your crawl space. Caustic smells like ammonia will make squirrels and raccoons feel less welcome in your attic.

6. Use noise

Another trick to banish larger pests from your attic is to put a radio up there. Tune it to a heavy metal station, and turn it up loud. While you wait for a professional to clean up the mess, let these pests know they're not welcome. 

7. Hire a professional

Hiring a professional pest-removal team is the fastest way to get rodents, squirrels and other critters out of your house. They can also help you block access to prevent another infestation. 

8. Ask your pets to help

If you have not put out any poison for rodents, your pets may be able to help with pest control. A cat with claws can reduce the mouse population, and many breeds of dog are great at catching rodents, too. Do be aware that your pets may present you with dead critters as gifts that show up in unexpected places.

You'll find many more ideas from The Home Mag on Facebook and Instagram. May you enjoy a pest-free autumn!


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