Time for a Backyard Remodel
Making the decision to remodel a backyard setting opens a door to abundant possibilities. The renovation might convert the space into a tropical oasis or serve as the ideal party-hosting location. Backyard designs and furnishings come in a wide array of options that accommodate yards regardless of size. Begin by determining the end goal of the project.
Install a sprinkler system
When a backyard landscape features a lawn and a variety of decorative plants in an arid climate, a sprinkler system ensures that the vegetation continues thriving year-round. The systems are a convenient way to keep living décor at its aesthetic best. Nevada residents need merely contact Courtney Landscape & Pools for assistance. Set the timer according to recommendations, and the system takes care of the rest. Conversely, some might prefer to install a carefree, artificial lawn. In this case, let Vegas Artificial Grass lend a hand.
Consider building a patio
The patio might be constructed of concrete, layered stone or wood. Create the structure in any shape or size close to the home, in the middle or on the edge of the yard. Patios offer the ideal location to relax and unwind or to host a party. Maybe add a working stone fireplace to take the chill away from cold winter months. Maybe add furnishings around a centrally located fire pit. Relax in the evenings with a favorite beverage while becoming hypnotized by the dancing flames.
Add an outdoor kitchen
An outdoor kitchen with a barbecue grill, cooktop and refrigerator make for a pleasant gathering space for families and friends. Furnish the spot with a table and chairs. Perhaps incorporate a bar with stools on the other side of the cooking area. Cover the entire space with a roof that architecturally matches or complements the existing house roof. Add lighting to encourage use night or day, rain or shine.
Include a water feature
In order for the space to truly emit an oasis vibe, a water feature is a must. The addition might be something as simple as a corner fountain surrounded in stone and boasting a number of green plants. Others might consider a more sizable pond that could serve as a year-round home for fish. A built-in swimming pool represents the ultimate in backyard water features. Have a simple pool or go exotic and include a cascading water fountain or consider a private little grotto.
Consider plant options
Despite the warm weather that Nevada offers, there are numerous plants that thrive in the environment. When considering trees for shade, the fast-growing box elder remains a favorite. The trees are drought resistant but can also withstand flooding. Growing up to 50 feet in height, the array of branches eventually creates a full shaded area. Decorative plant choices might include the white yarrow with its bunches of delicate white flowers. The Nettleleaf Giant Hyssop produces unusual floral spikes that also emit a pleasant fragrance.
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