Stunning Outdoor Furniture

People love to go outdoors. While the summer is usually the best time to enjoy the outdoors, the other seasons do see people spending some time outside, especially when the flowers bloom in spring or the leaves fall in autumn. Even winter sees some visitors, especially for those backyards fortunate enough to have an outdoor fireplace. However, it takes some special furniture to keep people comfortable outside. It's easier than you may think to find some incredible furniture that will make your time outdoors worth another trip.

The basic considerations

Furniture that is left outside needs to deal with a lot more than furniture inside in terms of environmental issues, running from rain to wind to sunshine. These factors require tougher furniture to deal with the weather, and that means that you need to worry about function over form. The same furniture that would do well inside will not work outside, at least in the long term. As a result, the furniture needs to be more durable, able to deal with the bleaching effects of the sun, and have some weight to it so it can resist the wind.

Working with your landscaping

It works best if you do your landscaping first and then work in your furniture. Ultimately, it's just easier to find furniture that works with your landscaping rather than creating landscaping around a specific set of furniture. The best designs fit the landscaping and add to it, such as wrought iron with a garden maze or wooden chairs with a victory garden. Consider working with G&G Woodwork for such items. That said, you can still have a lot of fun with the furniture, like adding bold, bright colors if the yard is more for kids or cool colors for a more relaxed feel.

Wood, metal, and...cement?

The three most common materials used for outdoor furniture are wood, metal, and cement. Keep in mind that you will need cushions, but finding cushions that work well outdoors is relatively easy. Metal, especially with a varnish to protect it from moisture, works well if you are looking for a little whimsy while providing durability. For those looking for a warmer feel, wood does well, especially if you have an outdoor kitchen. Overall, wood is just more comfortable. Cement provides a definite solidity and works great around pools. All of these work well as outdoor furniture, especially with some decent cushions.

Outside furniture needs to allow for your local weather, even when that furniture is under some sort of protection. This may mean looking at more subdued patterns for areas with a lot of sunlight or cement furniture for areas with lots of wind. Just remember, your furniture should be able to deal with environmental factors while still providing a good place to sit or even lay out. Local designers and retailers are often the best places to find tips on appropriate furniture for your area. For more suggestions on how to make your home look great, check us out on Facebook and Instagram.


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