Storage Solutions for Small Spaces: Making Every Inch Count

Whether your entire house is small or aspects of it are small, you can create logical, organized storage. If your pantry is tight, you can still stock up on bargains. If your closets are small, you can still keep your clothes in order. The tips below can help you work effectively in small spaces.

Get rid of original packaging

In a small storage space, such as a pantry, boxes of pasta may not work. Containers of uniform size will be easier to store. Airtight plastic or glass jars can be used to keep your grains fresh. Add a "use by" sticker to items, such as brown rice, that need to be consumed quickly.

Group similar items. If you tend to go through cold breakfast cereal quickly, invest in a clear plastic bin that can be used to move all the cereal to the counter or table at breakfast time so you can dish up everyone's favorite and put the bin back quickly.

Compress what you can

While smashing cereal or pasta won't work, you can compress linens effectively to get more in your linen cupboard. Many vacuum seal bags are available for storing fabric items. If you have a trunk or storage ottoman, your vacuum-packed guest towels or winter comforter can easily fit. Try to organize items by location; for example, it may make sense to compress jackets and coats for storage in a trunk near the coat closet.

Talk to the experts at a company such as Closets by Design about putting a soffit cabinet in your master bedroom closet. A cupboard up high, with doors that latch, could solve a lot of storage problems.

Brighten up uncovered storage

A simple bookcase can serve as a storage spot for games, crafts and other fun activity tools. However, even a well-organized bookcase with bins and labeled shelves will look crowded in the dark.

Add motion sensor lights to areas that tend to become dim and jumbled. Your little ones will appreciate the light as they move to these shelves to collect a favorite book or game. If your home is ready for an upgrade, reach out to a company like Your Skylight Expert for information on a Solatube skylight.

Focus on what you're storing

If your storage areas are constantly overwhelmed, it's time to carefully review what you're storing. If you can't see what's on your pantry shelves because you have too many saved plastic shopping bags, recycle the shopping bags on your next trip to the store.

Go through your seasonal clothing as you pull it from storage or tuck it away. Does it fit? Do you enjoy wearing it? Is it in good shape? If not, sell or donate the item. A small closet, crammed with garments you don't like, is not worth maintaining. A few items you can mix and match that fit well are worthy of your storage space.

Getting organized and keeping your small home bright and cheery can be a joy with the right attitude and tools. Look for more storage tips on our Facebook and Instagram pages.


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