Sprucing Up Your Home Exterior: Hiring Pros for Painting and Siding

Your home's exterior isn't just a large part of its beauty; it also plays a vital role in keeping you warm and protects you from the elements. Good siding lasts for decades, and the right paint will offer weather-resistant benefits that keep your property beautiful no matter what Mother Nature has in store.

When it's time to upgrade your siding and painting, this process will help you find the right experts for your job.

Reach out to top-rated local companies

Only work with professionals who have a proven track record of successful siding and painting jobs in your area. Check out reviews and photos from satisfied customers to learn what working with each company is like and what type of results you can expect.

Be sure to also pay attention to any complaints. Have any similar issues come up? Does the company have any outstanding issues with the Better Business Bureau? You can also work with local design companies, which you can find on Marketplace by TheHomeMag.

Look at their past work

Results speak for themselves, and that couldn't be truer when it comes to home exterior jobs. Make sure that you look for companies with a gallery of previous work on their website. See if they have done work on properties that look like yours or reflect your desired results.

When you see their work, you'll have a better idea of what type of siding or painting they could provide.

Ask for a free consultation

Reputable companies want to make sure they work with the right clients. This means they value consultations as an opportunity to make sure you're both a good fit for each other. Contact the company and ask if they offer free consultations. You'll often find these advertised on their websites as well.

During the call, ask the exterior expert about their experience and services. You should be able to get a free quote for your entire project as well.

Compare costs

From the siding materials to labor costs, you'll want to get estimates from at least three companies to make sure you get the best deal. If you find that the pricing differs drastically, ask your top picks why that is. Many professionals are also willing to match a competitor's best rate if you can give them proof of the estimate.

Ask about financing

If you happen to need financing for your new siding or paint job, be sure to discuss this in detail with a company. Many of them offer payment plans that can help you revamp your home's exterior on a budget with convenient monthly payments. There will likely be a downpayment required, but you'll be able to keep paying off the job for a set period of time with little to no interest.

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