Sow, Grow, Glow: Essential Steps for Preparing Your Garden for Summer

Even if you're lucky enough to live in an area where you can grow plants year-round, summer gardens need a little prep work. Between the bright sunshine and high temperatures, summer is a good time to grow vegetables and other plants that can't thrive during the cooler months. The climate can also wreak havoc on those plants and cause them to die before you harvest them. Though you may already know a few things about planting a garden, find some essential tips to prep your summer garden and grow your favorite plants.

1. Check for pests

Few things are worse than planting a gorgeous garden and finding that pests like squirrels and gophers took your bounty. Before you start planting, check for pests. Many rodents leave behind droppings, but you may see signs of nests nearby. Some pests will also chew on the edges of the plants. There are many different remedies to remove unwanted pests, such as pesticides that kill them and traps that let you relocate them. The longer you want to care for these animals, the more work it will take to eliminate them.

2. Use mulch

Mulch is a type of ground cover with multiple benefits for your garden. One of the biggest benefits is that it locks in moisture, which is especially important during the hot summer months. Even if you water the garden often, the sun and heat pull the moisture from the ground, stopping the plants from getting the water and nutrients they need. Look for organic mulch that uses pine needles and other natural materials. Check AskHomey for experts in your area who can help you choose the right mulch and lay it for you.

3. Perform a soil test

Home improvement or garden supply stores should have soil test kits in stock. You can also check with agencies in your area, as many of them can perform the test for you. This lets you know if the soil is healthy and ready for spring or whether you need to do some prep work. Prepping the soil might be as easy as putting down compost, which adds nutrients to the ground to ensure your plants will grow.

4. Add plant supports

Plant supports are essential if you grow certain vegetables or flowers. Tomatoes, for example, need tomato cages that keep them safe and secure. A cucumber trellis helps the vegetables grow upright and maintain their shape. The trellis also keeps the plants from taking over your garden. Some flowers also need support, such as rings for peonies and stakes for others. Adding the supports before your plants bloom or sprout saves you some time and hard work later.

A summer garden adds some fun and bright touches of color to your yard and allows you to plant and grow your favorite herbs and vegetables for cooking. To prep your summer garden, perform a soil test, add plant supports, use mulch, and eliminate pests. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to discover even more gardening tips.


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