Solar Panels
Portland, OR is a city filled with residents who care about the environment and want to protect it. Solar panels give you an easy way to go green and harness the power of the sun. Check out the top things you need to know about solar panels before you call one of the installers in the area.
How it works
Solar panels have small cells scattered across the top called PV cells or solar cells. As the sunlight beams down on the panels, the extra electrons on the negative layer loosen and move to the positive layer. The system also consists of a solar inverter that converts the DC power collected from the sun into the AC power your home needs. You can use that power to run your TV and appliances as well as any other electronics you have.
What is the cost?
One of the top reasons to choose solar panels for your green home improvements is that they help you save on your energy bills. While the cost of installing the panels is high, you only need to pay for some routine maintenance later. The Oregon Solar + Rebate Storage Program offers incentives to homeowners in Portland and neighboring cities, too. As long as you qualify, you get up to $5,000 back when you install your solar panels.
To qualify for this program, you need to pick a contractor and ask them to apply on your behalf. You cannot get any incentives unless you get approval before installation starts. Make sure you look for other rebates such as those from the federal government and solar panel manufacturers, too.
Grid vs. off-grid systems
Working with a local installer such as Rock Electric helps you choose between a grid and an off-grid system. A grid system is one connected to the Portland power grid. You can still work with the local power company, which comes in handy if you don't have enough solar power to run your whole home or you need power during a cloudy week. The company may even give you credit for the power you get from your panels.
An off-grid system does not connect to the power grid. You need multiple storage batteries that collect and retain the power you don't use. It often costs more than a grid system does and lacks the convenience of using local power when you need it. There are also hybrid systems that use both solar panels and backup batteries. Talk with a local contractor like Alegus Construction Services Inc. to get an idea of what system is best for your home.
Navigating through the world of solar panels is tricky, but help is always available when you need it. Talk with local contractors about the benefits of solar panels and find out how quickly you can add them to your home. You will also find tons of helpful information at TheHomeMag. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about solar panels and how you can go green.