Fireside Homes
Keeping your home warm is the most important part of winter. Whether you want to build a new fireplace or renovate an existing one, the time to get started is now.
What are the steps to building a new fireplace?
The first step to adding a new fireplace is to decide which room you'd like to have a professional put it in. It should be the most-used room in the house, other than the kitchen. It can be the master bedroom, the living room, the den, or even the dining room. The key is to consider the size of the room. Make sure it's small enough to be heated up and remain warm.
Before you build a new fireplace or renovate an existing one, you need to look up local building codes. They are an excellent source of information regarding the state and local laws as they pertain to making additions such as a fireplace to your home. A professional can help you navigate local regulations.
The next phase is to pick the kind of fireplace you want for your home. There are three types to choose from: direct-vent gas fireplaces, wood-burning masonry fireplaces, and zero-clearance fireplaces. Each has unique features to add, and the choice you make should match the interior style of your home.
A direct-vent gas fireplace has several features that make it easy to install and simple to use and maintain. The direct-vent gas fireplace takes only a day or two to install and will fit directly on any wall. There is no need for a huge chimney, and all it takes is a simple flick of the switch to turn on.
A similar structure known as the zero-clearance fireplace is lightweight and easy to install. The difference between a direct-vent and a zero-clearance fireplace is that the latter is safe to install almost anywhere, even near something as combustible as a wooden floor.
A wood-burning masonry fireplace is a time-honored classic for most homeowners. This one requires a chimney but can produce a pleasant aroma of burning wood. However, your choices may be limited as to where to place it because a professional must install it in a spot that can accommodate a 12- or 14-inch chimney. It also requires routine cleaning and can be time-consuming and expensive to install and maintain.
If you have an old fireplace that needs to be upgraded, you will find many companies that can provide high-quality fireplace renovation services. A company like Nova Fireplace and Stove can do upgrades upon request. They can also renovate your mantel by replacing it with a new one.
How can you find out more?
If you want to find out more about the different types of fireplaces while deciding what's best for your home, we invite you to check us out online. You can visit us on Facebook or Instagram to learn more.