Safety Concerns During Renovations

Home renovation is usually an exciting project and an opportunity to improve your house's comfort, safety, and style. Whether you are re-doing your entire house or doing some touch-ups in certain rooms, safety should be a prime concern. Attempting to renovate a home without the right experience and skills may result in fatal injuries. Hire a professional to ensure quality, code-compliant work. Here are more safety concerns associated with home renovation. 


Water damage is one of the most dangerous and messy things that might happen during home renovations. You can mistakenly hit a water pipe if you are not careful. If the leak goes undetected, it can lead to a pipe burst that results in a flood. Water can also ruin your appliances and furniture. 

The only way to prevent water damage during home renovations is by working with professionals like Handyman Hub Home Repairs and Remodeling. When water damage occurs, professionals immediately contain the situation to prevent extensive repairs in the future. 

Electrical issues

Home improvement projects involve a lot of electrical work. Contact with live wires or exposed electrical parts can lead to electrocution. In extreme cases, issues like overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, and contact between electrical and flammable materials can result in a fire hazard. This is why you should leave all electrical work to a licensed electrician. A professional will quickly note old wiring and upgrade it to safely handle modern appliances' demands.

Mold invasion

When ripping old floors or walls, you might come across mold. Mold exposure triggers allergic reactions and causes respiratory illnesses. Professionals have the proper equipment and protective gear to work in mold-infested areas safely. 

Mold can grow due to a hidden leak in the wall. Improper ventilation also makes your bathroom more vulnerable to moisture, promoting mold growth. A professional will spot and address the root cause of the mold issue to prevent reoccurrence. 

Asbestos and lead release

Lead and asbestos exposure are the biggest risks associated with home remodeling, especially in an older house. Some common building materials that may contain asbestos include old cement siding and vermiculite insulation. When you inhale tiny asbestos particles, they can lead to lung disease and cancer. 

On the other hand, lead may be present in old buildings' paint and pipes. Activities like sanding, sawing, and nailing can disturb lead-based paint, contaminating nearby surfaces. Children and expectant mothers are more susceptible to lead poisoning. Exposure to even small amounts of lead can cause anemia, hyperactivity, and loss of hearing in a child. Hiring a certified contractor to handle your house renovations will reduce the risks of lead exposure. 

Structural defects

Constant shaking from power tools and hammering may cause cracks in the wall, floor dents, warped ceilings, and crumbling concrete. Ignoring such issues could cause parts of your house to collapse. Professionals like Booher Remodeling Company always inspect the walls and floors for any damage after drilling and fix the problem immediately. This will save you from expensive repairs in the long run. 

Home improvement projects require professional skills since they are prone to errors and accidents. If you are planning for renovations, follow TheHomeMag on Facebook and Instagram for more guiding tips.


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