Room-by-Room Tips for a Clutter-Free Home

Are you tired of the clutter in your home? Does it leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? We have good news! The following tips can transform your space into a clutter-free haven. Whether you're dealing with a messy bedroom, a chaotic kitchen, or a cluttered living room, these room-by-room tips for getting a clutter-free home can help you feel organized and calm.


Chances are you spend a lot of time in your kitchen. So, keep it clean and organized! Clear the countertops and use under-shelf baskets for extra storage to achieve this. Pot-lid organizers and pot racks can help keep pots and pans neatly organized. Separate your utensils with drawer dividers. Do the same thing to organize your cabinets to give each category, such as your spices, a designated place. Organizing the kitchen may require effort, but it's worth it for a clutter-free and stress-free atmosphere.

Living Room

There are few things more beautiful in a home than a clutter-free living room. Here are a few things you can do to achieve that. Use furniture that serves more than one purpose. For example, ottomans that double as storage units or sofas with built-in shelves can help you save space and reduce clutter. Regularly sort through magazines and books. These things can pile up over time, making your living room feel cluttered. Finally, choose permanent storage solutions for frequently used items. For example, you can store the remote controls and other items in a pretty box or decorative basket. By making these small changes, you can keep your living room attractive and enjoyable.


Chances are you walk into your bathroom daily in your home, right? So, it's important to keep it clean and tidy. Try over-the-door organizers or floating shelves to organize and make your bathroom look nicer. They can hold towels, toiletries, etc., and help you use the space you already have while keeping the things you need within reach. Also, regularly keep your counter clean and clear of clutter by having a specific place for each item. For example, use an attractive holder for your toothbrushes and toothpaste. These solutions can help you have more space and a minimalist style in your bathroom.


Everyone loves a beautiful bedroom, and there are simple things you can do to maintain it. Declutter the top of your dressers and nightstands. One way to declutter is to sort the items into three piles: keep, donate, and toss. Then, items you plan to keep should be replaced on your dressers and nightstands, only if necessary, and the rest placed in storage. Do the same thing with a cluttered closet. Remember that you don't have to organize a bedroom in one day. Set aside at least 10 minutes a day for the project. Also, be sure to make your bed every day. A made bed contributes to a beautiful bedroom.

Achieving a clutter-free home is possible with the right strategies and tools. One of the best ways to declutter your home is with the help of a local professional! To find one, check out Marketplace by TheHomeMag. For more clutter-free home inspiration, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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