Reasons to Plant a Cutting Garden

Cutting gardens are very special gardens that are designed for growing flowers that you can cut for making beautiful floral arrangements. There are numerous benefits of planting one in your yard, including:

  1. Having fresh flowers when you want them

  2. Having a variety of beautiful blooms

  3. Saving some money

  4. Having fun in the sun while gardening

  5. Enjoying showing off your cutting garden to your friends

What to know about planting a garden

There are a lot of variables when it comes to planting any garden, and a cutting garden is no different. But you can learn a lot about creating a low-maintenance garden and what to know about zones, soil, and drainage on our Home Mag website. 

Choosing your cutting garden plants

There are tons of different flower types that could be suitable for your cutting garden. Of course, this depends upon what part of the country you live in, but some popular choices are:

  • Chrysanthemums

  • Dahlias

  • Lilies

  • Marigolds

  • Roses

  • Sunflowers

  • Zinnias

Consider the color, size, and shape of the flowers that you plan on planting. In addition, consider what time of year your flowers will bloom. For example, lilies are excellent for making stunning Easter flower arrangements. Chrysanthemums are great for Memorial Day (red, white, and blue) and Thanksgiving (yellow, bronze, and purple). Amaryllis and poinsettias can grace your Christmas dinner table year after year. Then again, roses of all colors and varieties are perfect for any occasion. 

Get help from a professional

Although planting and caring for your cutting garden can be an enjoyable hobby, choosing and preparing the area takes some research. Here are some of the many things that you need to know about:

  • Choosing a location where your plants can get at least six hours of sunlight daily

  • Preparing the soil so that it’s both fertile and well-drained

  • Planning your cutting garden layout

  • Knowing how much space you’ll need

  • Fitting a cutting garden into your budget

Since you're probably not an expert in some or maybe even any of the above, it's a good idea to get some help from a landscaping professional. If you live in or near Oklahoma City, OK, you can contact Nelson Landscaping or Imperial Landscape Works. The experts can ensure that your garden is done right from the start. They can save you the stress and strain of all of it so you can just enjoy planting your cutting garden and reaping the rewards. 

Learn more today

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