Preparing Your Home for Winter

Getting your home ready for winter might not be a priority at the moment. After all, why would you spend your free time performing home maintenance tasks when you could be going apple picking, enjoying the foliage, or enjoying pumpkin-spiced lattes? However, you cannot procrastinate home maintenance if you want to stay warm and cozy during winter. Here are ways to make your home comfortable during winter.

Check your heating system

Before the weather becomes cold, take time to inspect your heat pump or furnace. Have a reputable contractor inspect your system to ensure that you’ll have heat when you need it. During a tune-up, a professional HVAC contractor like Ultimate Pro Refrigeration checks and cleans all components and tests all safety controls, so you can rest easy knowing your system is working correctly and safely.

Insulate pipes

Any exposed pipes found in unheated areas, such as a crawlspace or basement, or that run along walls are a potential safety hazard. The water inside can freeze when the temperatures drop, causing the pipe to burst. Pipe insulation can help you minimize heat loss and prevent them from bursting or becoming too cold.

Clean the gutters

If gutters get clogged with leaves and other materials, this debris can freeze into a vast ice mass that can find its way under the shingles and damage your roof when the temperatures drop. Keep your gutters clean and correctly connected to make sure the melting snow flows through the roof and downspouts.

Prepare your plumbing

Disconnect all your garden hoses and drain your outdoor faucets. If your faucets are not frost-proof, shut off the main shut-off valve in your home.

Inspect the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors help ensure your and your home’s safety. Smoke detectors are the first line of defense against home fires. During winter, you’ll probably have your house closed up tight, making carbon monoxide a potential hazard.

Inspect your smoke detectors to ensure they’re functioning optimally and have good batteries. If you have not installed carbon monoxide detectors, consider doing so. Test these alarms monthly and replace them as recommended.

Inspect your roof and fix loose shingles

If you suspect that you have damaged, loose, or missing shingles, have a reputable roofing company like Lee Hoffman Roofing perform an inspection and make the repairs before the cold weather begins. Snow can exert a lot of pressure on your roof, causing loose shingles to move further. This can allow moisture to saturate your roof and seep into your home, causing considerable water damage.

Clean your chimneys

Thorough chimney cleaning is an essential task to complete before the temperatures drop. A reputable chimney sweep contractor will identify problems and fix them immediately, leaving you with a safe fireplace.

Check tree branches

Inspect your home for tree branches growing over the driveway, garage, power lines, or house. In case of a storm, these branches can come down and cause damage. Also, branches rubbing together can break. Inspect for dead limbs as well. If you notice anything unusual, have a reputable landscape contractor or arborist remove any weak or dead limbs.

You can winterize your home in various ways. Whenever you need to winterize your home, seek the assistance of a professional. For more winter home maintenance tips, follow TheHomeMag on Instagram and Facebook.


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