Pre-Planned Spring Cleaning Can Save You Time

Effective spring cleaning can include a thorough decluttering, a round of donations and even a garage sale to raise extra funds. By the end of your preplanned spring cleaning project, your house should feel like a breath of fresh air.

Organize first

Carefully walk through your home with a container, such as a clothes basket. Move anything that doesn't belong in a room to the space where it should go. For example, if you notice children's toys in the family room, put them in the basket and carry them to the playroom or the child's room. Do the same with your possessions and those of your partner.

If you find items that really don't have their own space, either designate a spot or get rid of them. If your children are old enough, have them do likewise. Items that have no home in your house can quickly overwhelm any organization you attempt.

Clean each space thoroughly

Once everything is where it belongs, it's time to clean each room. Working clockwise from the door:

  • Dust from high to low, starting with the ceiling fan.

  • Clean under beds, and pull out small furniture.

  • Dust and wipe down windowsills and baseboards.

  • Wash bedding and throws.

  • Vacuum.

You may find objects in need of their own space under beds and stacked against furniture. If there's no space, be ruthless about disposing of such items. These are ideal items to round up for The Junkluggers to take from your New Jersey home.

A crowded house soon becomes a cluttered house, and cluttered spaces are harder to keep clean. If you notice that a child is struggling to keep their space tidy, it may be time to help them choose organizational tools that they will actually use. You may also need to empty and reorganize their closets and bookcases. Too-small clothing and books that are beneath their reading level may be getting in their way.

Hire help for deep cleaning

Now is also the time to bring in professionals for special jobs. For example, you may choose to get your ducts cleaned during the gap between the furnace and AC seasons. Consider giving the team at Peeping Tom's Window Cleaning a call when spring rains are over.

Since spring is often allergy season, it may also be a great time to hire a professional carpet cleaning crew to freshen your space. If you haven't turned the air conditioning on just yet, talk with your carpet cleaner about the best time to close up the house and turn it on. Warm air is humid air, and you need dry air for carpets to completely dry out.

A freshly decluttered house is easier to keep clean. You may find that your weekly house cleaning goes a lot faster after following the recommendations from TheHomeMag. Clean ducts can mean less dust, and your children may have an easier time managing their own rooms. Check our Facebook and Instagram pages for more tips.


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