Installing moving glass walls

It's difficult to dismiss the popularity of moving glass walls among homeowners throughout the United States. But what are the reasons why more people are opting to install moving glass walls in their homes? 

TheHomeMag took the liberty of establishing these reasons.

1. Makes your small living space appear larger

If perhaps you want to maximize your small living space and make it appear bigger than it is, consider installing moving glass walls. Conventional walls often block your home's spaces, making them appear smaller.

On the contrary, moving glass walls don't block any space from sight, giving visitors the illusion that your living space is larger. Moreover, a moving glass wall can make your room appear less closed.

2. Raises your home's market value

You significantly raise your home's market value whenever you undertake any positive addition. Likewise, although moving glass walls are becoming popular among homeowners, it's not something everyone does which helps raise a home's value.

If putting your home on sale is something you're considering and are looking for ways to increase its market value, install moving glass walls. We recommend Illumination Window and Door Contractors for the installation of your moving glass walls as you look forward to raising your home's value.

3. Increases Versatility

By design and function, moving glass walls are highly versatile. You can opt for moving glass walls made from wood-clad frames, aluminum, or wood. Moreover, they can reverse entirely to the wall, slide open, or collapse against your walls, based on the appearance you intend to have for your entire space.

Furthermore, you can install moving glass walls throughout your home or office without any restriction regarding the type of look or style. Ultimately, this is one of the greatest reasons people install them nowadays.

4. Brings the outdoor space to the indoor

Most people love a beautiful view, and you can enjoy this in your home by installing moving glass walls. Apart from that, sometimes you may feel like sitting and admiring what mother nature offers, but you find the outdoor weather too cold or hot.

During such circumstances, moving glass walls come in handy to allow you to enjoy a relaxing moment from the comfort of your couch.

5. Enhances natural light in your home

If the rooms in your home seem to receive little natural light, consider installing moving glass walls to allow more natural light in. By doing so, you stand to gain several benefits, including increased vitamin D synthesis and reduced energy bills in your household. That way, you can enhance the comfort your home offers.

6. Improves elegance in your home

Most people consider moving glass walls a more stylish alternative to sliding doors. By installing moving glass walls, you make your space appear lavish and incorporate a sense of elegance. Whereas floor-to-ceiling window types can achieve this, moving glass walls are unique as you can open them, making them more appealing.

For additional information about moving glass walls, don't hesitate to visit our Facebook or Instagram pages today.


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