Keep Your Roof in Top Shape with Gutter Protection

We all know that gutters are essential features of any home's exterior. However, it's also true that they can quickly become clogged with all kinds of debris. Gutter protection prevents leaves, twigs, and other debris from clogging your gutters. This is important because clogged gutters can cause water to back up and overflow, which can damage your roof.

Protect your roof and save money

Whether you're staying in your home long-term or planning to sell in the near future, gutter protection is a good option for protecting your roof and saving you money. Gutter protection from companies like Leaf Filter is a relatively inexpensive investment that can provide many benefits for your home. Here are some of the ways that gutter protection keeps your roof in good shape:

  • Prevents clogs

  • Directs water away from your roof

  • Extends the life of your roof

  • Saves you money 

Types of gutter protection

There are several different types of gutter protection systems available. Some of the most common include:

  • Gutter guards

  • Gutter filters

  • Gutter covers

What's the difference?

Gutter guards are a type of screen that covers your gutters and prevent debris from entering the gutters while still allowing water into the drain system. Gutter filters are similar to gutter guards, but they're made of a more porous material. This allows more water to flow through the filter, but it still prevents large pieces of debris from clogging the gutters. On the other hand, gutter covers are a type of lid that fits over your gutters. They prevent all debris from entering the gutters, but they can be more difficult to clean than gutter guards or filters.

Where gutter protection is helpful

Gutter protection can make your home maintenance easier because they prevent debris from clogging your drains and downspouts. While gutter protection doesn't mean that you'll never clean gutters again, it does cut down on the number of times and amount of debris. When choosing the right protection, though, the area where you live and the local environment will affect the right choice for you.

When choosing covers and guards, consider the size of the opening that filter holes provide. If your roof is near a lot of pine or other needle-based trees, these needles can clog the holes if they are a similar size. If you live in a moist or humid climate, gutter guards on the shady side of the house may need to be cleaned every year or two to prevent mold or algae from clogging the pores of the gutter filter. 

Learn more from TheHomeMag

If you want to know more about properly maintaining your home, you'll find a wealth of information in TheHomeMag blogs. You can find them on our website and they include informative pieces like roof cleaning and energy efficiency. And, to learn more about roofs and all other things home-related, check us out on Facebook.


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