Identify and Address Potential Hazards in Your Lower-Level Space

The basement can be a valuable space for storage or a spare room. However, it can also be a dangerous space because of the possible hazards. This is why you need to hire a contractor to inspect, repair and renovate your basement to create a livable space. A professional contractor can ensure your basement is a safe space for everyone. First, you need to pay attention to these potential safety hazards in your basement.

Signs of water damage

Water damage is a sign that the waterproofing materials in your basement have worn out. This causes rotted walls and warped boards that can lead to injury, and this is on top of the damage to your belongings. Water damage impacts the area around your home's exterior foundation as well. Luckily, companies such as '58 Foundations & Waterproofing are ready to waterproof your basement to ensure your home and belongings are always safe.

Signs of mold growth

Moisture in your basement can also lead to mold growth, which can cause illness to your family and pets. Signs of mold in your basement include a musty smell, black stains and condensation on the windows. It is important to have your basement inspected by a company that offers mold removal. In addition to mold removal, a professional can help you prevent future mold by sealing leaks, improving ventilation and changing furnace filters.

Lack of proper detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors must be installed on every level of your home. Whether your basement is finished or being renovated, working detectors are essential for keeping your loved ones safe. It is also important to consider a radon detector for your basement. Radon is a radioactive gas that is invisible and odorless, and breathing in these radioactive particles can increase your risk of lung cancer. Be sure to test and change the batteries in all your detectors once a year.

Pest infestation and damage

If you notice any pests in your basement, it is important to have them taken care of before it turns into an infestation. Different pests can cause various types of issues in your basement. For example, cockroaches spread bacteria that can make your family members sick. Termites cause damage such as buckling, crumbling and holes in the wood. Calling in a professional to take care of these pests is the best way to keep your family safe.

Lack of ample lighting

A basement without proper lighting can become a source of accidents and injuries. The good news is that this issue can easily be repaired to create a safer space. Professionals such as the Total Construction Company have the experience and tools necessary for remodeling your basement. You can have recessed lighting and a glass door added to allow for more artificial and natural light. Remodeling your basement to improve the lighting can create a safe environment and might raise your property's value.


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