How to Diagnose a Slab Leak

Those who have owned a home know firsthand just how complex plumbing can be. Your home water system works fine until you discover a problem. You run into an issue with a slab leak. Like most plumbing problems, a slab leak can go undetected unless you know the following warning signs.

You notice a sudden spike in your monthly water bill

If you're like most people, you're most likely very conscientious about your water use. You take shorter showers, you check your faucets for leaks, and you don't leave your water running too long.

Even though you've kept water conservation efforts up, you notice a sudden spike in your water bill. This is one of the earliest signs that you may have a slab leak.

You can hear water running inside your walls after use

The sound of running water could mean a slab leak. This is true if you hear water gushing within your walls and underneath your floors. It sounds a lot like a running stream that's subdued by concrete or drywall. When you hear trickling sounds and your pipes aren't active, it's time to call a plumber. Penguin Air Plumbing and Electrical can inspect your system for a slab leak.

Mold suddenly appears on your carpet and floors

Mold grows in spots where moisture is rampant. It can grow under your carpet, on your walls, and in some corners of your bathroom. Unless you take action to eradicate it, mold can spread over time and trigger a sudden allergic reaction.

Mold that grows beneath your carpet usually indicates major trouble with your plumbing. This is due to water accumulating on your floors from your plumbing, which can be traced to a slab leak.

You notice a dip in your water pressure

If your water trickles out of a faucet or your dishwasher takes forever to clean dishes, you are experiencing a dip in your water pressure. Another red flag is when your pipes make a tinny whistle after use.

Low water pressure often comes from losing a lot of water. A slab leak could be the main cause. This makes it harder to complete daily tasks like washing clothes or watering your garden. You can have a technician check your water pressure using a gauge. If it's below 30 psi, it's too low. It's best to call a plumber.

Cracks appear in your walls and baseboards

A slab leak can cause water to leak through your walls and baseboards. This results in cracks because water can erode drywall and weaken its structure. If left unchecked, this problem could progress into your baseboards and cause them to become loose and worn. An inspection is best at this point.

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