How Specialists Improve Home Air Quality

Your indoor air quality plays a vital role in your health, comfort, productivity, and overall well-being. Unfortunately, the outdoor air is filled with contaminants that can easily find their way into your home and affect indoor air quality. But no problem is without a solution. HVAC specialists can help you protect your indoor air from outdoor contaminants using the following techniques and methods. 

Installing a modern air conditioner

If you are currently using an AC that's over 10 years old, it's time for an upgrade. Old HVAC systems are not as efficient in filtering air particles as modern ones. In fact, newer models come with advanced features like multi-stage filtration, which can remove over 99% of airborne contaminants. By consulting with a specialist like Penguin Air, Plumbing & Electrical, you can choose the right air conditioner that's perfect for your home and budget. 

Regular maintenance checks

Your AC system is constantly working to remove contaminants from your indoor air. As a result, it can easily get clogged with dust, dirt, and other harmful particles over time. This not only reduces its efficiency but also puts you at risk of breathing in poor-quality air. 

Regular maintenance checks can protect your indoor air by ensuring that your AC functions properly and efficiently. Even when outdoor contaminants are high, a well-maintained AC can effectively filter and purify the air in your home. 

Proper ventilation

Outdoor contaminants get into your indoor space through windows, doors, and even gaps in your walls. That's also how they get out. Proper ventilation ensures that outdoor contaminates are not trapped inside, and instead, fresh air is circulating constantly.

You can go further in improving air circulation by installing fans and investing in a whole-home ventilation system. An HVAC specialist can guide you on the best ventilation options for your specific home and needs.

Reducing dampness

When your indoor air is damp, outdoor biological contaminants, like bacteria, viruses, mold, and mildew, will find it conducive for growth and multiplication. An HVAC specialist can help with this by installing a dehumidifier, which removes excess moisture from the air, fixing leaky pipes and roofs, and ensuring proper insulation to prevent humidity buildup. They could also help with the eradication of biological contaminants that may have already built up in your home.

Strategically placing indoor plants throughout your living space

Plants are efficient cleaning systems that can help rid your indoor air of toxins. They undergo crucial processes, i.e., photosynthesis and respiration, which convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. In addition, they have microorganisms living in their soil that can absorb VOCs (volatile organic compounds), which are known to be harmful indoor air pollutants. 

Some of the best plants for purifying indoor air include peace lilies, spider plants, and snake plants. A specialist can help you choose the right plants for your home, place them strategically, and provide tips on how to care for them properly.


As you navigate your daily life, it's essential to remember that maintaining the air quality of your home isn't a one-off task but rather a continuous process. Embracing new technologies, keeping up with regular maintenance, and incorporating green life into your living spaces are just some of the things you can do to significantly enhance your indoor environment. Be sure to visit us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips and innovative solutions for home improvement.


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