Gorgeous Garden Decorations You Can Make Yourself

Once spring has sprung, many of us are looking for ways to brighten our gardens while not busting our budgets. The tips below can turn a drab outdoor space into something magical.

1. Put up a trellis

A hearty vine can grow up just about any structure with a little encouragement. If you want to train vines up the side of your home, consider a call to Outdoor ProWash so you can start with a clean slate. 

Next, visit your local discount store and look for clothesline rope. You want the skinny nylon rope to build your trellis. You can run it straight up and down or crisscross it, depending on the growth habit of your plant. Many vines love shaded roots, so consider putting out some wildflower seeds for a shady base to encourage your vines to go a bit wild. You may even be able to plant some edibles among them and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

2. Add a water feature

A water feature can be as simple as a rustic bucket and a solar fountain to keep the water moving. Listening to water tinkling in a DIY fountain can be incredibly relaxing, especially if you add some solar lights to catch the eye after dark.

If your home is near water and you find the bugs overwhelming at certain points in the day, reach out to Mosquito Mary's for a treatment and guidance about how to protect your DIY solar fountain. 

3. Invite in the birds

Take a trip to your local thrift store and look for metal pot lids with single screw handles. Invest in some spray paint in your favorite color and get yourself a length of a small chain. 

Once you're home, remove the handles. Keep both the machine screw and the handle. Paint the top of the lid in your favorite shade. Run the machine screw back through the hole after running it through the middle loop on the chain and screw the lid on tight. You now have a hanging bird feeder that you can loop over a tree branch with a zip tie.

Load it with sunflower seeds to invite cardinals. Once the cardinals are aware of your feeder and visiting often, treat them to grapes and berries to ramp up the festivities!

4. Put that old ladder to work

A rustic old ladder can be a great display piece for flowering plants. Load it with asparagus ferns to get lots of lush, green sprawl. You can screw the pots to the wooden rungs by using a couple of big washers at the bottom of the pot.

Vining flowers can easily be trained to spill down the ladder. You can also hang an upside-down tomato growing sleeve from the top shelf for a midsummer treat!

Garden improvements don't have to be expensive. In fact, rustic items can add an old country charm to your outdoor space. Look for ideas in TheHomeMag. Make sure you also check out our Facebook page and Instagram posts.


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