Finding Space You Didn’t Realize You Had

Many homeowners are finding ways to put all available storage in their homes to better use. From increasing pantry storage to stretching closet space, the ideas below can help you turn your Phoenix home into a more efficient, tidier space.

Increase sleeping spaces

If you're in a home that's a bit on the small side, you may wish you had a guest room. Luckily, you can easily increase the sleeping space in your home with a fold-out from Wallbeds "n" More

Thanks to the styling options available, you can even get a fold-out bed that offers bookcases. When the bed is up, you can enjoy using the space as an office. When it's folded down, your guests will enjoy comfort and privacy.

Gain full use of kitchen storage

Many households are becoming multi-generational as the Baby Boomers age. If you've got family members who struggle to reach the back of a bottom cupboard, now is a wonderful time to talk to the folks at Shelves that Slide

These handy storage tools can make life easier for every family member. If your children or grandchildren can't put things away in the upper cabinets, these handy slides will allow them to participate in mealtime and cleanups. No matter your age, the ability to slide out a whole cabinet shelf and see all of your mixing bowls, measuring cups, and cooking pots is a benefit that you will appreciate for years to come.

Customize your closets

No matter how much you declutter and clean out your closets, having the right storage tools inside even a master closet will radically change how you feel about the space. A call to Desert Sky Closets can turn a storage space that feels cramped and crowded into a spot where you can find exactly what you want without having to hunt. 

After a conversation with a closet designer, you will also be able to increase the usable storage in various areas, including your:

  • Laundry room

  • Garage

  • Office

Imagine functioning in a home where you don't have to wonder where your favorite garment or that particular kitchen tool has gotten to. As you remake your storage, you will be able to turn areas of your home that really had no function into ideal spots for something cherished.

Love your belongings and your space

Whether you're overwhelmed with the amount of stuff in your home or just tired of looking for things, TheHomeMag can help you bring in the most talented experts and choose the right tools to increase your sense of space. Check out the ideas on Facebook and Instagram for even more inspiration.


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