Dirty Air Filters

Each air filter gets dirty with time as it performs its work in your home. After all, if your air filter doesn't get dirty, that would imply that it isn't getting rid of unwanted particles from your home's air! However, your filter can sometimes get dirty faster than usual, resulting in performance and efficiency issues with your air conditioning system. So, what causes your air filter to get dirty very fast? 

Here are a few reasons we have identified that may be causing your air filter to clog up so quickly. 

1. Inappropriate thermostat settings

Your thermostat contains two main settings; the "ON" and "AUTO" settings. If you set your HVAC system's fan to the "ON '' setting, the fan will be continuously functioning. That will be the case even when your HVAC system's cooling cycle isn't, and this is what causes it to get dirty faster than usual. Instead, you should set your thermostat fan to "AUTO" to address this issue and significantly lower your energy bills. 

2. Low-quality air filters

Another reason your air filter is getting dirty so fast might be due to the low quality of the air filter you're purchasing. Perhaps you went for a cheaper air filter without considering its quality, which in most cases is low-quality. 

Moreover, cheaper air filters tend to last for shorter periods of about 30 days. On the contrary, expensive air filters are often of high quality and have more than three months of lifespan. Therefore, ensure you buy your air filters from recognized and licensed contractors like Brewer's Air Conditioning and Heating, selling original and high-quality air filters in Phoenix. 

3. You have pets in your home

If you're a pet lover with one or two furry companions, know that they may affect your home's indoor air quality. Often, pets cause contaminants and hair to get into your home's air, which is the dirt that ultimately ends in your air filters. Brushing and washing your pets can help minimize the contaminants and hair that make their way into the air. 

4. Leaky air ducts

The air duct network in your home is responsible for transporting cooled or heated air throughout your home. If the ducts leak, your air filter may start pulling dust from other spaces. Besides causing your air filters to clog up faster than usual, it also affects the durability of the ducts and indoor air quality. Therefore, ensure you hire professionals to conduct regular inspections on your A/C system, including air duct installations. 

5. The weather outside is hotter or colder than usual

The rate at which your air filter accumulates dirt and particles directly relates to the amount of air being cycled through your A/C system. Therefore, if outside weather conditions are hotter or colder, your HVAC system will work harder to condition the air and run more frequently. Ultimately, the extra work and frequency of running cause more dirt to accumulate, clogging up your filter quickly. 

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