Summer Storm Survival Guide: How Gutter Cleaning Keeps Your Home Safe and Sound

Your gutters protect your home from the damage rainwater can cause. They’re metal channels along the roof's edge that direct the water away from the house and its foundation after a storm. Unfortunately, gutters can collect leaves, pine needles, and other debris. As this debris builds up, it clogs the flow of water. This is why gutter cleaning is so important.

Protect your roof

When water can’t flow freely through the gutters, it backs up onto your roof. This leads to major leaks. Not only could you have water dripping inside your home, which could damage floors and ceilings, but it can also eventually cause your roofing materials to rot. Once your shingles and roof deck are ruined, the roof won't be able to protect your home. The cost of a gutter cleaning is much more affordable than a new roof. You can use Marketplace by TheHomeMag to find a professional gutter cleaning service in your area.

Prevent interior water damage

If you don't keep your gutters clean, you’re putting your home’s interior at risk for water damage. When the gutters can’t properly carry rainwater away, that water looks for somewhere else to go. As a result, it seeps through the cracks in your siding. Over time, you’ll begin to see water stains on your walls and ceiling. This is another reason why gutter cleaning is important in preparing your home for summer storms.

Keep pests away

All that debris stuck in your gutters can become the perfect home for pests and rodents. This exposes your family to health risks and can result in several other structural damages that infestations create. The longer that buildup is left in the gutters, the better it looks to those unwanted invaders. They love that rotting debris. It’s the ideal nesting material.

Avoid fascia damage

The fascia is the horizontal board at the edge of your roof. It gives the roof an attractive finishing touch while providing you with a protective barrier against the elements. It’s also what they attach your gutters to during installation.

All of that debris building up in your gutters will hold water after a storm. The debris and water can become quite heavy. This creates so much weight that the gutter can pull loose from the fascia, damaging it in the process. This looks unsightly and prevents either one from doing its job.

It’s best to schedule a gutter cleaning at least twice a year for the best results. This way, you’ll know your home will be safe and sound. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips on preparing your home for summer.


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