Creating Pet-Friendly Spaces in Your Home

For many, pets are part of their family. Whether or not you call your pup a fur baby or pride yourself on being a cat mom, you want your home to be a welcoming spot for you, your pets, and your guests. Creating a cozy home takes some planning, but it doesn't have to be costly. Thoughtful decisions boost the comfort and safety of your pet. 

Make smart furniture choices

It is best to decide if your pets are allowed on furniture early on. Once the habit develops, it is hard to break. If you have cats, there may not be a choice, as keeping them off furniture will be frustrating for both you and your cat. 

The best way to protect furniture from pet hair is to have plenty of easy-to-wash blankets handy. Use these throws on a daily basis, so when your pet is on the furniture, the cushions are protected. If you want a clean spot to sit or you have company over, it's simple to quickly remove these blankets. Take the blankets outside for a quick shake a few times a week, and throw them in the washing machine as needed. 

Create pet zones

Providing your pet with areas designed specifically for them encourages them to stay away from areas, like the counter, that you would prefer they avoid. For cats, a cat tree placed near a window so they can watch the world go by is often irresistible. 

Think about how you live

Creating pet-friendly spaces means thinking about how you and your pet move through the day. Do you have a dog that gets outdoor walks multiple times a day? Set up a basket near the door you frequently use with everything you need, from leashes to waste bags, ready to grab. 

If you have a yard, have supplies such as biodegradable pet wipes near the door you let them in and out of. Quickly wiping their feet each time they come in is an easy way to cut down on tracking dirt and mud. Have a treat ready when you do this, and you can expect it to become the highlight of the day. 

Get some outside help

Pets bring a tremendous amount of joy to our lives, but they do require some upkeep. Hiring a professional cleaning company, like Chickadee Cleaners, to come in, whether weekly or a few times a month allows you to enjoy your pet without worrying about endless cleaning. As long as you keep things tidy and groom your pet a few times a week, professional cleaners can handle the big jobs of cleaning floors and keeping your home feeling fresh. 

Pets add a lot of value to our lives. Making smart choices to create a comfortable home for you and your pets improves the quality of life for everyone. If you are looking for some additional ways to create a comfortable, cozy home, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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